turmoil (noun)

  • 41chaos — noun police were called in to quell the chaos Syn: disorder, disarray, disorganization, confusion, mayhem, bedlam, pandemonium, havoc, turmoil, tumult, commotion, disruption, upheaval, uproar, maelstrom; muddle, mess, shambles …

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  • 42commotion — noun what s all that commotion in the parking lot? Syn: disturbance, uproar, tumult, rumpus, ruckus, brouhaha, hoopla, furor, hue and cry, fuss, stir, storm; turmoil, disorder, confusion, chaos, mayhem, havoc, pandemo …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 43confusion — noun 1) there is confusion about the new system Syn: uncertainty, incertitude, unsureness, doubt, ignorance; formal dubiety Ant: certainty 2) she stared in confusion Syn: bewilderment, b …

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  • 44convulsion — noun 1) she had convulsions Syn: fit, seizure, paroxysm, spasm, attack; Medicine ictus 2) (convulsions) the audience collapsed in convulsions Syn: fits of laughter, paroxysms of laughter, uncontro …

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  • 45disorder — noun 1) he hates disorder Syn: untidiness, disorderliness, mess, disarray, chaos, confusion; clutter, jumble; a muddle, a shambles Ant: tidiness 2) incidents of public disorder …

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  • 46drama — noun 1) a television drama Syn: play, show, piece, theatrical work, dramatization 2) he is studying drama Syn: acting, the theater, the stage, the performing arts, dramatic art(s), stagecraft …

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  • 47frenzy — noun 1) the crowd whipped itself into a state of frenzy Syn: hysteria, madness, mania, delirium, feverishness, fever, wildness, agitation, turmoil, tumult; wild excitement, euphoria, elation, ecstasy 2) a frenzy of anger …

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  • 48furor — noun her memoirs caused a furor Syn: commotion, uproar, outcry, fuss, upset, brouhaha, foofaraw, palaver, pother, tempest, agitation, pandemonium, disturbance, hubbub, rumpus, tumult, turmoil; stir, excitement; …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 49havoc — noun 1) the hurricane caused havoc Syn: devastation, destruction, damage, desolation, ruination, ruin; disaster, catastrophe 2) hyperactive children create havoc Syn: disorder, chaos, disruption …

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  • 50hullabaloo — noun, informal the hullabaloo outside the police station attracted reporters by the dozen Syn: fuss, commotion, hue and cry, uproar, outcry, clamor, storm, furor, hubbub, ruckus, brouhaha; pandemonium, mayhem, tumult, turmoil …

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