tubular structure

  • 91Vater, ampulla of — A small muscle located at the junction where of the common bile duct (from the liver and pancreas) empties into the duodenum (the upper part of the small intestine). Bile from the liver and secretions from the pancreas come through the ampulla of …

    Medical dictionary

  • 92Vater, papilla of — A small muscle located at the junction where of the common bile duct (from the liver and pancreas) empties into the duodenum (the upper part of the small intestine). Bile from the liver and secretions from the pancreas come through the papilla of …

    Medical dictionary

  • 93ampulla — A saccular dilation of a canal or duct. [L. a two handled bottle] biliaropancreatic a. hepatopancreatic a.. a. biliaropancreatica hepatopancreatic a.. bony ampullae of semicircular canals [TA] a circumscribed dilation of one extremity of each of… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 94caliber — The diameter of a hollow tubular structure. [Fr. calibre, of uncert. etym.] * * * cal·i·ber or chiefly Brit cal·i·bre kal ə bər, Brit also kə lē n the diameter of a round or cylindrical body esp the internal diameter of a hollow cylinder * * *… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 95calibrate — 1. To graduate or standardize any measuring instrument. 2. To measure the diameter of a tubular structure. * * * cal·i·brate kal ə .brāt vt, brat·ed; brat·ing 1) to ascertain the caliber of (as a thermometer tube) 2) …

    Medical dictionary

  • 96dysgenesis — Defective development. [dys + G. genesis, generation] cortical d. SYN: cortical dysplasia. gonadal d. defective gonadal development, varying types and degrees of which have been identified, including gonad …

    Medical dictionary

  • 97ectasia, ectasis — Dilation of a tubular structure. [G. ektasis, a stretching] annuloaortic e. supravalvular dilation of the aorta involving both its wall and the valve ring, which, however, remains of smaller diameter than the more distal …

    Medical dictionary

  • 98luminal — Relating to the lumen of a blood vessel or other tubular structure. SYN: luminalis [TA]. * * * Lu·mi·nal lü mə .nal, .nȯl trademark used for a preparation of the sodium salt of phenobarbital * * * Lu·mi·nal (looґmĭ nəl) trademark for… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 99mandrin — A stiff wire or stylet inserted in the lumen of a soft catheter to give it shape and firmness while passing through a hollow tubular structure. SYN: mandrel (2), mandril. [Fr. m., mandrel] * * * man·drin man drən n a stylet for a catheter * * *… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 100syringocele — 1. SYN: central canal. 2. A meningomyelocele in which there is a cavity in the ectopic spinal cord. [syringo + G. koilia, a hollow] * * * sy·rin·go·cele (sĭ ringґgo sēl) 1. a cystlike swelling in a tubular structure of the body. 2.… …

    Medical dictionary