torment (noun)

  • 41bugbear — noun pseudoscience is a perennial bugbear for legitimate researchers Syn: pet peeve, hate, bête noire, anathema, aversion, bugaboo; bane, bane of one s life/existence, irritant, irritation, vexation, thorn in one s flesh/side; nightmare, torment; …

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  • 42desperation — noun her family failed to see her state of desperation Syn: hopelessness, despair, distress; anguish, agony, torment, misery, wretchedness; discouragement, disheartenment …

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  • 43grief — noun 1) he was overcome with grief Syn: sorrow, misery, sadness, anguish, pain, distress, heartache, heartbreak, agony, torment, affliction, suffering, woe, desolation, dejection, despair; mourning …

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  • 44hell — noun 1) they feared hell Syn: the netherworld, the Inferno, the infernal regions, the abyss; eternal damnation, perdition; hellfire, fire and brimstone; Hades, Sheol, Acheron, Gehenna, Tophet; literary the pit Ant …

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  • 45irritation — noun 1) she tried not to show her irritation Syn: annoyance, exasperation, vexation, indignation, impatience, crossness, displeasure, chagrin, pique; anger, rage, fury, wrath, aggravation; literary ire Ant …

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  • 46martyrdom — noun the martyrdom of Peter Syn: death, suffering, torture, torment, persecution, agony, ordeal; killing, sacrifice, self sacrifice, crucifixion, immolation, burning, auto da fé; Christianity Passion …

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  • 47misery — noun 1) periods of intense misery Syn: unhappiness, distress, wretchedness, suffering, anguish, anxiety, angst, torment, pain, grief, heartache, heartbreak, despair, despondency, dejection, depression, desolation …

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  • 48nightmare — noun 1) she woke from a nightmare Syn: bad dream, night terrors; archaic incubus 2) the journey was a nightmare Syn: ordeal, trial, torment, horror, hell, misery, agony, torture, murder; …

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  • 49ordeal — noun the hostages survived the ordeal Syn: unpleasant experience, painful experience, trial, tribulation, nightmare, trauma, hell (on earth), misery, trouble, difficulty, torture, torment, agony …

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  • 50provocation — noun 1) he remained calm despite severe provocation Syn: goading, prodding, egging on, incitement, pressure; annoyance, irritation, nettling; harassment, plaguing, molestation; teasing, taunting, torment; affront, insults; informal hassle …

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