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to refer sth to sb

  • 1 З-32

    НА ЗАДВОРКАХ (чего) бытье, держать кого-что coll PrepP Invar usu. subj-compl with copula (subj: human, collect, or abstr) or obj-compl with держать ( obj: human, collect, or abstr)) (of or in refer, to a person) (to be, keep s.o.) in a secondary, disadvantageous role or position (of or in refer, to an issue, proposal etc) (to be, keep sth.) out of the focus of attention, ignore sth.: (be (be kept, keep s.o. or sth.)) in the background (of or in refer, to a person) (take (be forced to take etc)) a back seat (of or in refer, to an issue, proposal etc) (be (be put, put sth.)) on the back burner.
    Казачьи офицеры были на задворках... движение по службе было слабым... (Шолохов 3). The Cossack officers had been kept in the background...
    promotion had been slow... (3b).
    Конечно, и Васькин за это время преуспел. Но - с большим отставанием и в меньших масштабах (, чем я), на задворках, так сказать (Зиновьев 2). Of course, during the same period Vaskin, too, came to succeed. But he was very much behind me, on a lower scale-forced, one might say, to take a back seat (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > З-32

  • 2 П-597

    ПРОХОДИТЬ/ПРОЙТИ МИМО VP more often pfv if impfv, often imper fixed WO
    1. \П-597 (кого-чего) (subj: human or collect) (often in refer, to negative phenomena, facts) to disregard s.o. or sth., not pay attention to sth., remain uninvolved
    X прошёл мимо Y-a = X ignored Y
    X passed Y over X chose not to see Y (in limited contexts) X overlooked Y X pretended Y didn't exist.
    «Если бы эту брошюру написал рядовой историк, то можно было бы пройти мимо: историки могут ошибаться... Но ведь эту брошюру написал не рядовой историк, а один из руководителей партии и государства» (Рыбаков 2). "If an ordinary historian had written it (this pamphlet), one could have ignored it. Historians often make mistakes....But this pamphlet was not written by an ordinary historian, it was written by one of the leaders of the Party and state" (2a).
    2. \П-597 кого ( subj: abstr (often горе, беда etc)) to be overlooked or disregarded by s.o. (may refer to a person's lack of emotional involvement with regard to another's pain, grief etc)
    X прошёл мимо Y-a - X slipped by (past) (Y)
    X passed Y by unnoticed Y didn't notice X Y remained unaffected by X (in refer, to s.o. 's lack of emotional involvement) X left Y unmoved (cold) Y remained indifferent to X.
    ...Несмотря на то, что все начальники отделов кадров только тем и занимаются, что вчитываются в анкеты, выискивая несоответствия и изъяны в биографии сотрудников того или иного учреждения, иногда самые невероятные нелепости проходят мимо их бдительного ока (Войнович 1)....Despite the fact that all personnel managers do nothing but pore over questionnaires seeking out inconsistencies and flaws in the biographies of employees of one institution or another, the most incredible absurdities do sometimes slip past their watchful eyes (1a).
    3. - кого-чего (subj: human (often in refer, to not recognizing a potential spouse) having failed to recognize the merits, worth etc of s.o. or sth., to pay no attention to, not follow up on etc s.o. or sth. and thereby lose him or it
    X прошёл мимо Y-a — X passed Y by
    X let Y slip through X's fingers.
    "А если хочешь знать правду, так я и тебя научил любить его (Обломова)... Без меня ты бы прошла мимо его, не заметив» (Гончаров 1). "And if you want to know the truth, it was I who taught you to love him (Oblomov)....If it hadn't been for me you would have passed him by without noticing him" (1b).
    «Чуть было не прошел мимо великого начинания». «А что, если бы прошли?» - говорил я. «Не говори», - отвечал Платон Сам-сонович и снова вздрагивал (Искандер 6). "То think that I almost let this great undertaking slip through my fingers!" "Well, and what if you had?" I would ask. "Don't even suggest such a thing," he would answer, wincing once again (6a).
    4. \П-597 чего (subj: human not to address or discuss (some problem, question etc)
    X прошёл мимо Y-a — X passed over Y in silence
    X made no mention of Y X didn't touch (on (upon)) Y.
    Докладчика критиковали за то, что он прошёл мимо основной проблемы - финансирования проекта. The speaker was criticized for not touching upon the fundamental problem-how to finance the project.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > П-597

  • 3 на задворках

    НА ЗАДВОРКАХ ( чего) быть, держать кого-что coll
    [PrepP; Invar; usu. subj-compl with copula (subj: human, collect, or abstr) or obj-compl with держать (obj: human, collect, or abstr)]
    (of or in refer, to a person) (to be, keep s.o.) in a secondary, disadvantageous role or position; (of or in refer, to an issue, proposal etc) (to be, keep sth.) out of the focus of attention, ignore (sth.):
    - (be <be kept, keep s.o. or sth.>) in the background;
    - [of or in refer, to a person](take <be forced to take etc>) a back seat;
    - [of or in refer, to an issue, proposal etc] (be <be put, put sth.>) on the back burner.
         ♦ Казачьи офицеры были на задворках... движение по службе было слабым... (Шолохов 3). The Cossack officers had been kept in the background...; promotion had been slow... (3b).
         ♦ Конечно, и Васькин за это время преуспел. Но - с большим отставанием и в меньших масштабах [, чем я], на задворках, так сказать (Зиновьев 2). Of course, during the same period Vaskin, too, came to succeed. But he was very much behind me, on a lower scale-forced, one might say, to take a back seat (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > на задворках

  • 4 пройти мимо

    [VP; more often pfv; if impfv, often imper; fixed WO]
    1. пройти мимо (кого-чего) [subj: human or collect]
    (often in refer, to negative phenomena, facts) to disregard s.o. or sth., not pay attention to sth., remain uninvolved:
    - X прошёл мимо Y-a X ignored Y;
    - X passed Yover <by>;
    - [in limited contexts] X overlooked Y;
    - X pretended Y didn't exist.
         ♦ "Если бы эту брошюру написал рядовой историк, то можно было бы пройти мимо: историки могут ошибаться... Но ведь эту брошюру написал не рядовой историк, а один из руководителей партии и государства" (Рыбаков 2). "If an ordinary historian had written it [this pamphlet], one could have ignored it. Historians often make mistakes....But this pamphlet was not written by an ordinary historian, it was written by one of the leaders of the Party and state" (2a).
    2. пройти мимо кого [subj: abstr (often горе, беда etc)]
    to be overlooked or disregarded by s.o. (may refer to a person's lack of emotional involvement with regard to another's pain, grief etc):
    - [in refer, to s.o.'s lack of emotional involvement] X left Y unmoved (cold);
    - Y remained indifferent to X.
         ♦...Несмотря на то, что все начальники отделов кадров только тем и занимаются, что вчитываются в анкеты, выискивая несоответствия и изъяны в биографии сотрудников того или иного учреждения, иногда самые невероятные нелепости проходят мимо их бдительного ока (Войнович 1)....Despite the fact that all personnel managers do nothing but pore over questionnaires seeking out inconsistencies and flaws in the biographies of employees of one institution or another, the most incredible absurdities do sometimes slip past their watchful eyes (1a).
    (often in refer, to not recognizing a potential spouse) having failed to recognize the merits, worth etc of s.o. or sth., to pay no attention to, not follow up on etc s.o. or sth. and thereby lose him or it:
    - X let Y slip through X's fingers.
         ♦ "А если хочешь знать правду, так я и тебя научил любить его [Обломова]... Без меня ты бы прошла мимо его, не заметив" (Гончаров 1). "And if you want to know the truth, it was I who taught you to love him [Oblomov].... If it hadn't been for me you would have passed him by without noticing him" (1b).
         ♦ "Чуть было не прошел мимо великого начинания". "А что, если бы прошли?" - говорил я. "Не говори", - отвечал Платон Самсонович и снова вздрагивал (Искандер 6). " То think that I almost let this great undertaking slip through my fingers!" "Well, and what if you had?" I would ask. "Don't even suggest such a thing," he would answer, wincing once again (6a).
    not to address or discuss (some problem, question etc):
    - X didn't touch (on < upon>) Y.
         ♦ Докладчика критиковали за то, что он прошёл мимо основной проблемы - финансирования проекта. The speaker was criticized for not touching upon the fundamental problem-how to finance the project.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пройти мимо

  • 5 проходить мимо

    [VP; more often pfv; if impfv, often imper; fixed WO]
    1. проходить мимо (кого-чего) [subj: human or collect]
    (often in refer, to negative phenomena, facts) to disregard s.o. or sth., not pay attention to sth., remain uninvolved:
    - X прошёл мимо Y-a X ignored Y;
    - X passed Yover <by>;
    - [in limited contexts] X overlooked Y;
    - X pretended Y didn't exist.
         ♦ "Если бы эту брошюру написал рядовой историк, то можно было бы пройти мимо: историки могут ошибаться... Но ведь эту брошюру написал не рядовой историк, а один из руководителей партии и государства" (Рыбаков 2). "If an ordinary historian had written it [this pamphlet], one could have ignored it. Historians often make mistakes....But this pamphlet was not written by an ordinary historian, it was written by one of the leaders of the Party and state" (2a).
    2. проходить мимо кого [subj: abstr (often горе, беда etc)]
    to be overlooked or disregarded by s.o. (may refer to a person's lack of emotional involvement with regard to another's pain, grief etc):
    - [in refer, to s.o.'s lack of emotional involvement] X left Y unmoved (cold);
    - Y remained indifferent to X.
         ♦...Несмотря на то, что все начальники отделов кадров только тем и занимаются, что вчитываются в анкеты, выискивая несоответствия и изъяны в биографии сотрудников того или иного учреждения, иногда самые невероятные нелепости проходят мимо их бдительного ока (Войнович 1)....Despite the fact that all personnel managers do nothing but pore over questionnaires seeking out inconsistencies and flaws in the biographies of employees of one institution or another, the most incredible absurdities do sometimes slip past their watchful eyes (1a).
    (often in refer, to not recognizing a potential spouse) having failed to recognize the merits, worth etc of s.o. or sth., to pay no attention to, not follow up on etc s.o. or sth. and thereby lose him or it:
    - X let Y slip through X's fingers.
         ♦ "А если хочешь знать правду, так я и тебя научил любить его [Обломова]... Без меня ты бы прошла мимо его, не заметив" (Гончаров 1). "And if you want to know the truth, it was I who taught you to love him [Oblomov].... If it hadn't been for me you would have passed him by without noticing him" (1b).
         ♦ "Чуть было не прошел мимо великого начинания". "А что, если бы прошли?" - говорил я. "Не говори", - отвечал Платон Самсонович и снова вздрагивал (Искандер 6). " То think that I almost let this great undertaking slip through my fingers!" "Well, and what if you had?" I would ask. "Don't even suggest such a thing," he would answer, wincing once again (6a).
    not to address or discuss (some problem, question etc):
    - X didn't touch (on < upon>) Y.
         ♦ Докладчика критиковали за то, что он прошёл мимо основной проблемы - финансирования проекта. The speaker was criticized for not touching upon the fundamental problem-how to finance the project.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > проходить мимо

  • 6 О-138

    БЕЗ ОТДАЧИ брать, занимать, давать что coll PrepP Invar adv
    (to take, borrow sth.) without planning to return it, (to give sth. to s.o.) without asking him to return it: (in refer, to taking, borrowing sth.) never returning it (them)
    never intending to return it (them) with no intention of returning it (them) (in refer, to money only) with no intention (notion) of repaying it (in refer, to giving sth.) for good for keeps.
    Он был убежден, что... он сотворен богом так, что должен жить в тридцать тысяч дохода и занимать всегда высшее положение в обществе. Он так твёрдо верил в это, что, глядя на него, и другие были убеждены в этом и не отказывали ему ни в высшем положении в свете, ни в деньгах, которые он, очевидно без отдачи, занимал у встречного и поперечного (Толстой 5). Не believed that...God had created him to spend thirty thousand a year and always to occupy a prominent position in society. He was so firmly convinced of this that looking at him others were persuaded of it too, and refused him neither a leading place in society nor the money he borrowed right and left, obviously with no notion of repaying it (5a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > О-138

  • 7 Р-248

    ПРИБИРАТЬ/ПРИБРАТЬ К РУКАМ VP subj: human usu. pfv)
    1. \Р-248 кого to make s.o. submit to o.s. ( esp. when trying to make him change his behavior)
    X прибрал Y-a к рукам - X took Y in hand
    X gained the upper hand (over Y).
    «На днях покровский пономарь сказал на крестинах у нашего старосты: полно вам гулять вот ужо приберёт вас к рукам Кирила Петрович. Микита кузнец и сказал ему: и, полно, Савельич, не печаль кума, не мути гостей... да ведь на чужой рот пуговицы не нашьешь» (Пушкин 1). "Just the other day the sacristan from Pokrovskoe said at a christening held at our elder's house: The good times are over: you'll see what it's like when Kirila Petrovich takes you in hand.' Mikita the blacksmith answered him. 'Enough of that, Savelich,' he says, 'don't sadden the godfather, don't upset the guests....' But people will talk" (1a).
    Была у него хозяйка, да вот он, видно, не сумел прибрать её к рукам... (Искандер 4). Не had a wife, but he must have failed to gain the upper hand over her... (4a).
    2. - что disapprov (in refer, to sth. that one has no right to) to appropriate sth., take sth. into one's possession willfully
    X прибрал Y к рукам - X got (laid) his hands on Y
    X seized Y (in refer, to power, a business etc) X took over Y (completely) X secured Y (in refer, to power only) X took hold of Y (in refer, to money, goods etc only) X helped himself to Y (in limited contexts) X pocketed (swiped) Y.
    (author's usage) Взято было тут же тысяча пятьсот человек пленных, тридцать восемь орудий, знамена и, что важнее всего для казаков, лошади, сёдла, одеяла и различные предметы. Со всем этим надо было обойтись, прибрать к рукам пленных, пушки, поделить добычу... (Толстой 7). Fifteen hundred prisoners and thirty-eight guns were taken on the spot, besides standards and, most important to the Cossacks, horses, saddles, horsecloths, and the like. All this had to be dealt with, the prisoners and guns secured, the booty divided... (7a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Р-248

  • 8 без отдачи

    БЕЗ ОТДАЧИ брать, занимать, давать что coll
    [PrepP; Invar; adv]
    (to take, borrow sth.) without planning to return it, (to give sth. to s.o.) without asking him to return it:
    - [in refer, to taking, borrowing sth.] never returning it (them);
    - [in refer, to money only] with no intention (notion) of repaying it;
    - [in refer, to giving sth.] for good;
    - for keeps.
         ♦ Он был убеждён, что... он сотворён богом так, что должен жить в тридцать тысяч дохода и занимать всегда высшее положение в обществе. Он так твёрдо верил в это, что, глядя на него, и другие были убеждены в этом и не отказывали ему ни в высшем положении в свете, ни в деньгах, которые он, очевидно без отдачи, занимал у встречного и поперечного (Толстой 5). He believed that...God had created him to spend thirty thousand a year and always to occupy a prominent position in society. He was so firmly convinced of this that looking at him others were persuaded of it too, and refused him neither a leading place in society nor the money he borrowed right and left, obviously with no notion of repaying it (5a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > без отдачи

  • 9 прибирать к рукам

    [VP; subj: human; usu. pfv]
    1. прибирать к рукам кого to make s.o. submit to o.s. (esp. when trying to make him change his behavior):
    - X прибрал Y-а к рукам X took Y in hand;
    - X gained the upper hand (over Y).
         ♦ "На днях покровский пономарь сказал на крестинах у нашего старосты: полно вам гулять; вот ужо приберёт вас к рукам Кирила Петрович. Микита кузнец и сказал ему: и, полно, Савельич, не печаль кума, не мути гостей...; да ведь на чужой рот пуговицы не нашьешь" (Пушкин 1). "Just the other day the sacristan from Pokrovskoe said at a christening held at our elder's house: The good times are over: you'll see what it's like when Kirila Petrovich takes you in hand.' Mikita the blacksmith answered him. 'Enough of that, Savelich,' he says, 'don't sadden the godfather, don't upset the guests....' But people will talk" (1a).
         ♦ Была у него хозяйка, да вот он, видно, не сумел прибрать её к рукам... (Искандер 4). He had a wife, but he must have failed to gain the upper hand over her... (4a).
    2. прибирать к рукам что disapprov (in refer, to sth. that one has no right to) to appropriate sth., take sth. into one's possession willfully:
    - [in refer, to power, a business etc] X took over Y (completely);
    - [in refer, to power only] X took hold ofY;
    - [in refer, to money, goods etc only] X helped himself to Y;
    - [in limited contexts] X pocketed (swiped) Y.
         ♦ [author's usage] Взято было тут же тысяча пятьсот человек пленных, тридцать восемь орудий, знамена и, что важнее всего для казаков, лошади, сёдла, одеяла и различные предметы. Со всем этим надо было обойтись, прибрать к рукам пленных, пушки, поделить добычу... (Толстой 7). Fifteen hundred prisoners and thirty-eight guns were taken on the spot, besides standards and, most important to the Cossacks, horses, saddles, horsecloths, and the like. All this had to be dealt with, the prisoners and guns secured, the booty divided... (7a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > прибирать к рукам

  • 10 прибрать к рукам

    [VP; subj: human; usu. pfv]
    1. прибрать к рукам кого to make s.o. submit to o.s. (esp. when trying to make him change his behavior):
    - X прибрал Y-а к рукам X took Y in hand;
    - X gained the upper hand (over Y).
         ♦ "На днях покровский пономарь сказал на крестинах у нашего старосты: полно вам гулять; вот ужо приберёт вас к рукам Кирила Петрович. Микита кузнец и сказал ему: и, полно, Савельич, не печаль кума, не мути гостей...; да ведь на чужой рот пуговицы не нашьешь" (Пушкин 1). "Just the other day the sacristan from Pokrovskoe said at a christening held at our elder's house: The good times are over: you'll see what it's like when Kirila Petrovich takes you in hand.' Mikita the blacksmith answered him. 'Enough of that, Savelich,' he says, 'don't sadden the godfather, don't upset the guests....' But people will talk" (1a).
         ♦ Была у него хозяйка, да вот он, видно, не сумел прибрать её к рукам... (Искандер 4). He had a wife, but he must have failed to gain the upper hand over her... (4a).
    2. прибрать к рукам что disapprov (in refer, to sth. that one has no right to) to appropriate sth., take sth. into one's possession willfully:
    - [in refer, to power, a business etc] X took over Y (completely);
    - [in refer, to power only] X took hold ofY;
    - [in refer, to money, goods etc only] X helped himself to Y;
    - [in limited contexts] X pocketed (swiped) Y.
         ♦ [author's usage] Взято было тут же тысяча пятьсот человек пленных, тридцать восемь орудий, знамена и, что важнее всего для казаков, лошади, сёдла, одеяла и различные предметы. Со всем этим надо было обойтись, прибрать к рукам пленных, пушки, поделить добычу... (Толстой 7). Fifteen hundred prisoners and thirty-eight guns were taken on the spot, besides standards and, most important to the Cossacks, horses, saddles, horsecloths, and the like. All this had to be dealt with, the prisoners and guns secured, the booty divided... (7a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > прибрать к рукам

  • 11 В-202

    БЕЗ ВОЗВРАТА PrepP Invar adv
    1. irreversibly, forever
    for good never to return and will never return.
    Я понял, что молодость прошла без возврата. I realized that my youth was gone, never to return.
    2. давать, брать что \В-202 coll (to give sth. to s.o.) without asking him to return it, (to take, borrow sth.) without planning to return it: (in refer, to giving sth.) for good
    for keeps (in refer, to taking, borrowing sth.) never returning it (them) never intending to return it (them) with no intention of returning it (them).
    Ваня завёл себе привычку брать книги у друзей без возврата. Vanya made a habit of borrowing his friends' books and never returning them.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > В-202

  • 12 Д-354

    ОДНИМ (ЕДИНЫМ) ДУХОМ coll NP instrum these forms only adv usu. used with pfv verbs fixed WO
    1. \Д-354 выпить, проглотить что проговорить, прочитать что и т. п. (to drink, say etc sth.) all at once, without stopping
    without pausing for breath
    without taking a breath without coming up for air (in refer, to drinking sth.) in one go (in limited contexts) in one (a single) gulp in one swallow (motion) (in refer, to saying, stating sth.) in one (a single) breath.
    При сих словах он взял стакан, перекрестился и выпил одним духом (Пушкин 2). With these words he took the glass, crossed himself, and drank the vodka down in one gulp (2a).
    Прыгающей рукой поднёс Степа стопку к устам, а незнакомец одним духом проглотил содержимое своей стопки (Булгаков 9). Styopa brought his tumbler to his lips with a shaking hand, and the stranger emptied his in a single gulp (9a).
    Я вот её (водку) сейчас в рот взять не могу, а он (столяр) выльет пол-литра в кружку от бачка, крутанёт - и все одним духом по дна» (Домбров-ский 1). "I couldn't touch a drop (of vodka) in this weather, but he (the carpenter) pours himself out a half-liter, swills it round - and downs the lot in one go" (1a).
    Он выложил свою претензию единым духом (Максимов 3). Не stated his complaint in a single breath... (3a).
    2. (to do sth.) very quickly, in a single moment
    in no time (at all)
    in a jiffy (a flash, a trice) in nothing (no time) flat in (at) one fell swoop in one go.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Д-354

  • 13 Е-1

    ГАЛОПОМ ПО ЕВРОПАМ скакать, делать что coll, disapprov ( Invar adv fixed WO
    ( usu. in refer, to traveling, reading, making a survey of sth. etc) (to do sth.) quickly and superficially: (give sth.) a superficial (quick) look
    (in refer, to traveling, visiting museums etc) (take) a whirlwind tour just (hit) the high points (highlights) (with the emphasis on treating sth. superficially) barely (hardly) scratch the surface. Cf. Cootts tour if ift Tuesday, this must be Belgium.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Е-1

  • 14 Н-189

    КАК (БУДТО, СЛОВНО, ТОЧНО) НОЖОМ ОТРЕЗАЛО КАК ОТРЕЗАЛО all coll (как etc + VP impers these forms only fixed WO
    (in refer, to a relationship, friendship etc, or in refer, to some continuing action) sth. ceased abruptly: sth. suddenly stopped (ended)
    sth. came to a sudden (an abrupt) halt ( s.o.) suddenly stopped doing sth.
    Раньше он часто звонил, а после этого разговора о политике - как ножом отрезало. Не used to call all the time, but after that conversation about politics he suddenly stopped calling altogether.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Н-189

  • 15 С-191

    ЧЕРЕЗ СИЛУ PrepP Invar adv
    (to do sth.) unwillingly, pushing o.s. to overcome some barrier (exhaustion, pain, fear, animosity, nervousness etc): with (a) great ((an) obvious, (a) tremendous) effort
    with great (the utmost) difficulty forcing o.s. (to do sth.) making an effort (to do sth.) (in refer, to physical barriers) straining o.s. (in refer, to emotional barriers) in a reluctant manner (doing sth.) costs s.o. an effort.
    Лошадь опять стала, сторожко пофыркивая, но вконец обозлённый Мелентьев остервенело рванул вожжи: «По-ошла, паскуда-а!..». Та через силу сделала шаг, другой... (Максимов 3). The horse stopped again, snorting with apprehension. Melentiev could no longer control his rage, and tugged furiously at the reins. "Get on with you. You rotten sod...." With a great effort the horse took one step, then another... (3a).
    (Лаборантка) спросила через силу: «Аристарх Аполлинариевич, а правда, что вы?..» - «Вздор!» - вскричал он (Аксёнов 6).... With an obvious effort, she (the lab assistant) asked, "Aristarkh Appolinarievich, is it true that you-" "Nonsense!" he shouted (6a).
    Он должен был что-то крикнуть, потому что крик подкатился к горлу... но вместо крика ткнул в спину извозчика и выдавил из горла через силу: «Гони!»(Федин 1). Не should have cried out, because a cry had risen in his throat...but instead of crying out he prodded the cabby in the back and with a tremendous effort forced from his throat: "Drive on!" (1a).
    «Как ты обманул меня! Разве я поехала бы без тебя? О, я знаю, я знаю, ты это сделал через силу, ради моего воображаемого блага. И тогда все пошло прахом» (Пастернак 1). uHow you deceived me! Would I ever have gone without you? Oh, I know, I know, you forced yourself to do it, you thought it was for my good. And after that everything was ruined" (1a).
    Там этот пришел... твой», - сказал он (Петро) по своей привычке как бы нехотя, через силу (Шукшин 1). "Не showed up again here...your..." Petro broke off, speaking in his customary reluctant manner (1a).
    «Здоров, Андрюха», - бодрое радушие давалось ему явно через силу (Максимов 3). "Good to see you, Andrei, lad." His brisk friendliness obviously cost him an effort (3a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > С-191

  • 16 Ч-175

    ХОТЬ БЫ ЧТО coll Invar predic)
    1. \Ч-175 (кому) disapprov (impers) s.o. is totally indifferent to sth.: X-y хоть бы что - X couldn't (could) care less
    X doesn't give a hoot (a damn, a darn) X doesn't care a hang X doesn't care it means nothing (it doesn't mean a thing) to X.
    «Смотрю, у обочины под кустом сидит на мотоцикле товарищ Красивый Фуражкин, автоинспектор, газету читает, а мимо грузовики идут, хоть бы что» (Аксёнов 10). "I see at the side of the road, under a bush, sitting on his motor-bike-Comrade Smart-Hat, traffic-cop. He's reading a newspaper while lorries go by, he couldn't care less" (10a).
    (Ксения:) Отец-то крестный - болеет, а тебе хоть бы что... (Горький 2). (К.:) Here's your godfather lying sick, and you don't care a hang (2a).
    2. \Ч-175 кому or кто ( impers or, less often, with subj: human sth. (fatigue, physical or emotional stress, alcohol etc) has no impact on s.o., in no way reflects on s.o.: X-y хоть бы что = it doesn't affect (tell on) X at all (a bit)
    it has no effect on X itis nothing for X (in refer, to emotional stress) it doesn't ruffle X at all (a bit) (in refer, to doing sth. dangerous, difficult etc) (X does sth.) without turning a hair.
    Он может один выпить бутылку водки - и хоть бы что! Не can drink a whole bottle of vodka all by himself-and it doesn't affect him a bit.
    (Миронов:) Отчаянный, однако, у вас водитель, товарищ председатель. Гонит в самую пургу, хоть бы что! (Салынский 1). (М.:) You've got a fearless chauffeur, Comrade Chairman. She drives through a blizzard without turning a hair! (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Ч-175

  • 17 без возврата

    [PrepP; Invar; adv]
    1. irreversibly, forever:
    - and will never return.
         ♦ Я понял, что молодость прошла без возврата. I realized that my youth was gone, never to return.
    2. давать, брать что coll (to give sth. to s.o.) without asking him to return it, (to take, borrow sth.) without planning to return it:
    - [in refer, to giving sth.] for good;
    - [in refer, to taking, borrowing sth.] never returning it (them);
    - with no intention of returning it (them).
         ♦ Ваня завёл себе привычку брать книги у друзей без возврата. Vanya made a habit of borrowing his friends' books and never returning them.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > без возврата

  • 18 единым духом

    [NPinstrum; these forms only; adv; usu. used with pfv verbs; fixed WO]
    1. единым духом выпить, проглотить что; проговорить, прочитать что и т.п. (to drink, say etc sth.) all at once, without stopping:
    - [in refer, to drinking sth.] in one go;
    - [in limited contexts] in one (a single) gulp;
    - [in refer, to saying, stating sth.] in one (a single) breath.
         ♦ При сих словах он взял стакан, перекрестился и выпил одним духом (Пушкин 2). With these words he took the glass, crossed himself, and drank the vodka down in one gulp (2a).
         ♦ Прыгающей рукой поднёс Степа стопку к устам, а незнакомец одним духом проглотил содержимое своей стопки (Булгаков 9). Styopa brought his tumbler to his lips with a shaking hand, and the stranger emptied his in a single gulp (9a).
         ♦ "Я вот её [водку] сейчас в рот взять не могу, а он [столяр] выльет пол-литра в кружку от бачка, крутанёт - и все одним духом по дна" (Доморовский 1). "I couldn't touch a drop [of vodka] in this weather, but he [the carpenter] pours himself out a half-liter, swills it round - and downs the lot in one go" (1a).
         ♦ Он выложил свою претензию единым духом (Максимов 3). He stated his complaint in a single breath... (3a).
    2. (to do sth.) very quickly, in a single moment:
    - in a jiffy (a flash, a trice);
    - in one go.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > единым духом

  • 19 одним духом

    [NPinstrum; these forms only; adv; usu. used with pfv verbs; fixed WO]
    1. одним духом выпить, проглотить что; проговорить, прочитать что и т.п. (to drink, say etc sth.) all at once, without stopping:
    - [in refer, to drinking sth.] in one go;
    - [in limited contexts] in one (a single) gulp;
    - [in refer, to saying, stating sth.] in one (a single) breath.
         ♦ При сих словах он взял стакан, перекрестился и выпил одним духом (Пушкин 2). With these words he took the glass, crossed himself, and drank the vodka down in one gulp (2a).
         ♦ Прыгающей рукой поднёс Степа стопку к устам, а незнакомец одним духом проглотил содержимое своей стопки (Булгаков 9). Styopa brought his tumbler to his lips with a shaking hand, and the stranger emptied his in a single gulp (9a).
         ♦ "Я вот её [водку] сейчас в рот взять не могу, а он [столяр] выльет пол-литра в кружку от бачка, крутанёт - и все одним духом по дна" (Доморовский 1). "I couldn't touch a drop [of vodka] in this weather, but he [the carpenter] pours himself out a half-liter, swills it round - and downs the lot in one go" (1a).
         ♦ Он выложил свою претензию единым духом (Максимов 3). He stated his complaint in a single breath... (3a).
    2. (to do sth.) very quickly, in a single moment:
    - in a jiffy (a flash, a trice);
    - in one go.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > одним духом

  • 20 галопом по европам

    ГАЛОПОМ ПО ЕВРОПАМ скакать, делать что coll, disapprov
    [Invar; adv; fixed WO]
    (usu. in refer, to traveling, reading, making a survey of sth. etc) (to do sth.) quickly and superficially:
    - (give sth.) a superficial < quick> look;
    - [in refer, to traveling, visiting museums etc] (take) a whirlwind tour;
    - [with the emphasis on treating sth. superficially] barely (hardly) scratch the surface. Cf. Cookes tour;
    - if it's Ibesday, this must be Belgium.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > галопом по европам

См. также в других словарях:

  • refer sth to sb/sth — UK US refer sb/sth to sb/sth Phrasal Verb with refer({{}}/rɪˈfɜːr/ verb ( rr ) ► to direct someone or something to a different place or person for information, help, or action: »The decision to refer the bid to the commission will open the way… …   Financial and business terms

  • refer sth to sth — UK US refer sb/sth to sb/sth Phrasal Verb with refer({{}}/rɪˈfɜːr/ verb ( rr ) ► to direct someone or something to a different place or person for information, help, or action: »The decision to refer the bid to the commission will open the way… …   Financial and business terms

  • refer sth to sb — UK US refer sb/sth to sb/sth Phrasal Verb with refer({{}}/rɪˈfɜːr/ verb ( rr ) ► to direct someone or something to a different place or person for information, help, or action: »The decision to refer the bid to the commission will open the way… …   Financial and business terms

  • refer to drawer — ► (WRITTEN ABBREVIATION R/D) BANKING words written on a cheque that a bank has refused to pay, usually because the bank account does not contain enough money Main Entry: ↑refer sth to sth …   Financial and business terms

  • Sth — can refer to: * Somatotropin Hormone, now more commonly referred to as Growth Hormone. * St Thomas Hospital in London. * St. Helen s School, an independent girls school in Northwood, UK. * Sonic the Hedgehog. * Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS… …   Wikipedia

  • refer to sb/sth — Ⅰ. UK US refer to sb/sth Phrasal Verb with refer({{}}/rɪˈfɜːr/ verb ( rr ) ► to talk or write about someone or something: »I refer to your letter of 13 March, 2011. refer to sth/sb as sth »The fixed price includes an amount of compensation, which …   Financial and business terms

  • refer to sth — Ⅰ. UK US refer to sb/sth Phrasal Verb with refer({{}}/rɪˈfɜːr/ verb ( rr ) ► to talk or write about someone or something: »I refer to your letter of 13 March, 2011. refer to sth/sb as sth »The fixed price includes an amount of compensation, which …   Financial and business terms

  • refer to sb — Ⅰ. UK US refer to sb/sth Phrasal Verb with refer({{}}/rɪˈfɜːr/ verb ( rr ) ► to talk or write about someone or something: »I refer to your letter of 13 March, 2011. refer to sth/sb as sth »The fixed price includes an amount of compensation, which …   Financial and business terms

  • refer sb/sth to sb/sth — UK US refer sb/sth to sb/sth Phrasal Verb with refer({{}}/rɪˈfɜːr/ verb ( rr ) ► to direct someone or something to a different place or person for information, help, or action: »The decision to refer the bid to the commission will open the way… …   Financial and business terms

  • refer sb/sth to sth — UK US refer sb/sth to sb/sth Phrasal Verb with refer({{}}/rɪˈfɜːr/ verb ( rr ) ► to direct someone or something to a different place or person for information, help, or action: »The decision to refer the bid to the commission will open the way… …   Financial and business terms

  • refer — re|fer W1S1 [rıˈfə: US ə:r] v past tense and past participle referred present participle referring refer to / [refer to sb/sth] phr v [Date: 1300 1400; : Latin; Origin: referre to bring back, report, refer , from ferre to carry ] 1.) to mention… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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