to go harrying or freebooting

  • 1depredation — n 1. plunder, plundering, plunderage, rapine, pillage, spoliation, despoliation, despoilment, Obs. direption, raven or ravin; preying upon, ravaging, ravage, harrying, marauding, Archaic. maraud, sacking, Rare. sackage; laying waste, devastation …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 2despoliation — n 1. pillage, plunder, plundering, plunderage, rapine, depredation, spoliation, despoilment, Obs. direption, raven or ravin; ravaging, pillaging, harrying, marauding, sacking, Rare. sackage; raid, foray, razzia, inroad; foraging, looting,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 3pillage — v 1. plunder, rob, despoil, Archaic. spoil, spoliate, Chiefly Scot. reive; ravage, harry, rape, maraud, devastate, lay waste, depredate; ransack, sack, loot, gut, fleece, strip, rifle, steal; desecrate, defile, outrage, violate. 2. desolate,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 4piracy — n 1. robbery at sea, brigandage, buccaneering, freebooting, banditry, highway robbery, Obs. latrociny, privateering, filibustering, U.S. Inf. (usu. of cattle) rustling. 2. commandeering, hijacking, skyjacking, air or sky piracy; (usu. of persons) …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 5plunder — v 1. rob, despoil, Archaic. spoil, spoliate, pillage, Chiefly Scot. reive; ravage, harry, rape, maraud, devastate, depredate; ransack, sack, loot, gut, fleece, strip, rifle; raid, foray, forage, prey on or upon; lay waste, desolate, wreak havoc… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 6rapine — n 1. plunder, plundering, plunderage, pillage, depredation, spoliation, despoilment, raven, Obs. direption; ravaging, harrying, marauding, sacking. Rare. sackage, laying waste, devastation, desolation; raid, razzia, foray, foraging, looting;… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 7ravage — n 1. devastation, waste, desolation, destruction, ruin, havoc, damage, wreckage; burning, razing, leveling, demolishing; desecration, defilement, outrage, violation, vandalism; injury, harm, hurt, impairment, loss, scathe; collapse, breakdown. 2 …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 8robbery — n 1. burglary, theft, Sl. heist, break in; Inf. holdup, Sl. stickup, Sl. hustle, Inf. mugging, Sl. jumping, Sl. rolling. 2. thievery, pilferage, pilfering, Sl. swiping, Sl. hustling, Sl. copping; peculation, embezzlement, misappropriation; purse… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 9thievery — n 1. stealing, pilferage, pilfering, filching, purloinging, theft, thieving, Inf. snitching, Law. larceny, Sl. swiping, Sl. copping; shoplifting, palming, Sl. boosting; purse snatching. 2. peculation, embezzlement, misappropriation; swindling,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder