thin-layer chromatography

  • 51Hochleistungsdünnschichtchromatographie — Abb. 1: Analytik von Lebensmittel Farbstoffen in Proben: HPTLC Chromatogramm von beiden Seiten entwickelt (A), Mehrwellenlängenscan von Mix 1 (B), Kalibrierfunktion (C), Massenspektren (D), quantitative Analyse (E)[1] Die… …

    Deutsch Wikipedia

  • 52TLC — Abbreviation for thin layer chromatography; total lung capacity. * * * telephone linked care; tender loving care; thin layer chromatography; threshold limit concentration; total L chain concentration; total library computerization; total lung… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 53ion-exchange reaction — ▪ chemical reaction Introduction       any of a class of chemical reactions between two substances (each consisting of positively and negatively charged species called ions (ion)) that involves an exchange of one or more ionic components.… …


  • 54Color reaction — In chemistry, a color reaction or colour reaction is a chemical reaction that is used to transform colorless chemical compounds into colored derivatives which can be detected visually or with the aid of a colorimeter. The concentration of a… …


  • 55Индольные алкалоиды — Структурная формула индола Индольные алкалоиды  класс алкалоидов, содержащих в своей структуре ядро индола или его производных …


  • 56Drehwert (Chemie) — Beispiele für die Angabe des Drehwertes α einer chiralen Substanz inklusive der Messbedingungen. Oben: positives Vorzeichen, 25 °C Messtemperatur, gelbes Natriumlicht (Natrium D Linie), Konzentration 2 g Substanz gelöst zu 100 ml… …

    Deutsch Wikipedia

  • 57Optische Reinheit — Die optische Reinheit ist ein Begriff aus der Chemie, genauer aus der Stereochemie, zur Beschreibung der Zusammensetzung eines Gemisches von Enantiomeren (zueinander spiegelbildliche chirale Moleküle). Die optische Reinheit (englisch optical… …

    Deutsch Wikipedia

  • 58TLC — agricult. abbr. Thin Layer Chromatography chem. abbr. Thin Layer Chromatography dairy abbr. Thin Layer Chromatography acronym Tender Loving Care …

    United dictionary of abbreviations and acronyms

  • 59Entomotoxicology — In forensic entomology, entomotoxicology is the analysis of toxins in arthropods (mainly flies and beetles) that feed on carrion. Using arthropods in a corpse or at a crime scene, investigators can determine whether toxins were present in a body… …


  • 60Chromatographic response function — Chromatographic response function, often abbreviated to CRF is a coefficient which characterize in a quantitative manner, the quality of the separation in the result of a chromatography. The CRFs concept have been created during the development… …
