suitable for filling up

  • 51Shell (projectile) — This article is about the artillery projectile. For the small arms ammunition, see Shotgun shell. Some sectioned shells from the First World War. From left to right: 90 mm fragmentation shell, 120 mm pig iron incendiary shell, 77/14 model 75 mm… …


  • 52History of wood carving — From the remotest ages the decoration of wood has been a foremost art. The tendency of human nature has always been to ornament every article in use. The North American Indian carves his wooden fish hook or his pipe stem just as the Polynesian… …


  • 53lamp — lampless, adj. /lamp/, n. 1. any of various devices furnishing artificial light, as by electricity or gas. Cf. fluorescent lamp, incandescent lamp. 2. a container for an inflammable liquid, as oil, which is burned at a wick as a means of… …


  • 54plastic — plastically, plasticly, adv. /plas tik/, n. 1. Often, plastics. any of a group of synthetic or natural organic materials that may be shaped when soft and then hardened, including many types of resins, resinoids, polymers, cellulose derivatives,… …


  • 55Diamond — This article is about the mineral. For the gemstone, see Diamond (gemstone). For other uses, including the shape ◊, see Diamond (disambiguation) …


  • 56baking — Process of cooking by dry heat, especially in an oven. Baked products include bread, cookies, pies, and pastries. Ingredients used in baking include flour, water, leavening agents (baker s yeast, baking soda, baking powder), shortening (fats,… …


  • 57canals and inland waterways — ▪ waterway Introduction       natural or artificial waterways used for navigation, crop irrigation, water supply, or drainage.       Despite modern technological advances in air and ground transportation, inland waterways continue to fill a vital …


  • 58JERUSALEM — The entry is arranged according to the following outline: history name protohistory the bronze age david and first temple period second temple period the roman period byzantine jerusalem arab period crusader period mamluk period …

    Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • 59Breathing gas — is a mixture of gaseous chemical elements and compounds used for respiration. Air is the most common and only natural breathing gas. Other artificial gases, either pure gases or mixtures of gases, are used in breathing equipment and enclosed… …


  • 60Sand casting — Sand casting, also known as sand molded casting, is a metal casting process characterized by using sand as the mold material. It is relatively cheap and sufficiently refractory even for steel foundry use. A suitable bonding agent (usually clay)… …
