subdue (verb)

  • 51contain — verb 1) the archive contains much unpublished material Syn: include, comprise, take in, incorporate, involve, encompass, embrace; consist of, be made up of, be composed of 2) the boat contained four people Syn: hold …

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  • 52cow — verb has he cowed you all with his threats? Syn: intimidate, daunt, browbeat, bully, tyrannize, scare, terrorize, frighten, dishearten, unnerve, subdue; informal psych out, bulldoze …

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  • 53deflate — verb 1) he deflated the tires Syn: let down, flatten, void; puncture Ant: inflate 2) the balloon deflated Syn: go down, collapse, shrink, contract …

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  • 54demoralize — verb the celebratory fuss made about young Browning s promotion has demoralized many of the older employees Syn: dishearten, dispirit, deject, cast down, depress, dismay, daunt, discourage, unman, unnerve, crush, shake, throw, cow, subdue; break… …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 55fortify — verb 1) the knights fortified their citadel Syn: build defenses around, strengthen, secure, protect Ant: weaken, expose 2) the wall had been fortified Syn: strengthen, reinforce …

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  • 56intimidate — verb Rico sent his goons to intimidate the local merchants Syn: frighten, menace, terrify, scare, terrorize, cow, dragoon, subdue; threaten, browbeat, bully, pressure, harass, harry, hassle, hound, torment, tyrannize …

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  • 57mortify — verb 1) I d be mortified if my friends found out Syn: embarrass, humiliate, chagrin, discomfit, shame, abash, horrify, appall 2) he was mortified at being excluded Syn: hurt, wound, affront …

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  • 58oppress — verb 1) the invaders oppressed the people Syn: persecute, abuse, maltreat, ill treat, tyrannize, crush, repress, suppress, subjugate, subdue, keep down, grind down, ride roughshod over, rule with an iron fist/hand 2) the darkness of …

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  • 59overawe — verb Jane was overawed by her landlady Syn: intimidate, daunt, cow, disconcert, unnerve, subdue, dismay, frighten, alarm, scare, terrify; informal psych out …

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  • 60overpower — verb 1) the prisoners might overpower the crew Syn: gain control over, overwhelm, prevail over, get the better of, outdo, gain mastery over, overthrow, overturn, subdue, suppress, subjugate, repress, bring someone to their knees, conquer, defeat …

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