stimulate (verb)

  • 111exalt — verb 1) they exalted their hero Syn: extol, praise, acclaim, esteem; pay homage to, revere, venerate, worship, lionize, idolize, look up to; informal put on a pedestal, laud Ant: disparage, despi …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 112exhilarate — verb the fireworks display exhilarated us Syn: thrill, excite, intoxicate, elate, delight, enliven, animate, invigorate, energize, vitalize, stimulate; informal give someone a thrill, give someone a buzz, give someone a charge …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 113expedite — verb our legal assistants can help expedite the paperwork Syn: speed up, accelerate, hurry, hasten, step up, quicken, precipitate, dispatch; advance, facilitate, ease, make easier, further, promote, aid, push through, urge on, boost …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 114foster — verb 1) he fostered the arts Syn: encourage, promote, further, stimulate, advance, forward, cultivate, nurture, strengthen, enrich; help, aid, abet, assist, contribute to, support, back, be a …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 115galvanize — verb the reverend s words galvanized our group into action Syn: jolt, shock, startle, impel, stir, spur, prod, urge, motivate, stimulate, electrify, excite, rouse, arouse, awaken; invigorate, fire, animate, vitalize …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 116ignite — verb 1) he escaped moments before the gas ignited Syn: catch fire, burst into flames, combust; be set off, explode Ant: go out 2) his cigarette ignited the blanket Syn: light, set fire to …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 117infect — verb 1) he didn t want to infect others with his chicken pox Syn: pass infection to, spread disease to, contaminate 2) nitrates were infecting rivers Syn: contaminate, pollute, taint, foul, dirty, blight, damage, ru …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 118inflame — verb 1) his opinions inflamed his rival Syn: enrage, incense, anger, madden, infuriate, exasperate, provoke, antagonize, rile; informal make someone see red, make someone s blood boil Ant: placate 2) the …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 119inspire — verb 1) the landscape inspired him to write Syn: stimulate, motivate, encourage, influence, rouse, move, stir, energize, galvanize, incite; animate, fire, excite, spark, inspirit, incentivize, affect …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 120instigate — verb 1) the committee instigated formal proceedings Syn: set in motion, get underway, get off the ground, start, commence, begin, initiate, launch, institute, set up, inaugurate, establish, organize; actuate, generate, bring about; …

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