
  • 21sporozoa — spo·ro·zoa .spōr ə zō ə, .spȯr n pl 1) cap a large class of strictly parasitic protozoans that pass through a complicated life cycle usu. involving alternation of a sexual with an asexual generation, that often require two or more dissimilar… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 22Eucoccidiida — Eu·coc·ci·di·ida (u kok″sĭ diґĭ də) [eu + Gr. kokkos berry] an order of parasitic protozoa (subclass Coccidia, class Sporozoea) found in the blood and epithelial cells of invertebrates and vertebrates, and having a life cycle …

    Medical dictionary

  • 23Piroplasmia — Pi·ro·plas·mia (pi″ro plaz meґə) [L. pirum pear + plasma] a subclass of heteroxenous parasitic protozoa (class Sporozoea, subphylum Apicomplexa), occurring as piriform, round, or rod shaped cells or ameboid cells without a conoid,… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 24Protococcidiida — Pro·to·coc·ci·di·i·da (pro″to kok″sĭ diґĭ də) [proto + Gr. kokkos berry] an order of parasitic protozoa (subclass Coccidia, class Sporozoea) found in invertebrates, the life cycle of which involves gametogony and… …

    Medical dictionary