sloane ranger

  • 61chippy — adj aggressive and hypersensitive, irritat ingly resentful. The word is based on either the 19th century chip in , meaning to interfere, or the later notion of having a chip on one s shoulder . ► He s chippy. I find that small people are often… …

    Contemporary slang

  • 62cosy — n British an act of sex. A Sloane Ranger euphe mism, used by girls and perhaps reveal ing of sexual attitudes in that milieu …

    Contemporary slang

  • 63crack a stiffie — vb British to have an erection. An expression used in Sloane Ranger and yuppie circles …

    Contemporary slang

  • 64D.O.M. — n a dirty old man . A middle class and Sloane Ranger version of the colloquial expression, D.O.M. is applied, usually by females, to anyone male and lecherous regardless of age …

    Contemporary slang

  • 65poo — I. n British 1. a nursery term for excrement that has passed into standard colloquial English 2. champagne. A yuppie and Sloane ranger abbreviation of shampoo. ► You re getting good at this. Extra poo to night. (Serious Money, play by Caryl… …

    Contemporary slang

  • 66preppie — n American a. a student or ex student of an American preparatory school. The term was popularised by Erich Segal in his best selling novel Love Story. American prep schools (as opposed to the British version which educates boys from 8 to 13)… …

    Contemporary slang

  • 67preppy — n American a. a student or ex student of an American preparatory school. The term was popularised by Erich Segal in his best selling novel Love Story. American prep schools (as opposed to the British version which educates boys from 8 to 13)… …

    Contemporary slang

  • 68quiche out — vb 1. British to eat very greedily or to excess. A Sloane ranger and yuppie version of pig out, which was later adopted by univer sity students. 2. to behave in a weak, irresolute, cow ardly way; to wimp out. In this sense the term has been used… …

    Contemporary slang

  • 69shampoo — n champagne. A Sloane ranger and yuppie witticism of the 1980s. The word is often abbreviated to poo. In the USA preppies and others also use the terms …

    Contemporary slang

  • 70stiffie — n British 1. an erection. A jocular term heard principally among middle class males, although women also employ the word. ► Got a stiffie? Wear a Jiffi! (Promotional T shirt logo for Jiffi condoms, 1985) 2. an invitation card. The term describes… …

    Contemporary slang