
  • 31dharma — (Skt., carrying or holding) In Buddhism, the factors of existence. Originally not so much an ethical concept as one of cosmological theory, dharma bears some relationship to the Greek logos , meaning the principle or law governing the universe,… …

    Philosophy dictionary

  • 32guru — (Skt., teacher) This can include parents, teachers in universities, arts, and crafts, as well as the more familiar spiritual guides. All are owed a full measure of trust and obedience, even when they are not understood …

    Philosophy dictionary

  • 33karma — (Skt., deed) In Hindu and Buddhist philosophy, the universal law of cause and effect, as applied to the deeds of people. A (deliberate) good or bad deed leads a person s destiny in the appropriate direction. The ripening of the deed may take more …

    Philosophy dictionary

  • 34Madhyamika — (Skt., the middle way) A school of Buddhist philosophy. The middle way 228 emphasizes the emptiness (shunyata ) of things, and the way in which truth lies beyond all dichotomies and oppositions. But it also allows some value to relative or… …

    Philosophy dictionary

  • 35maya — (Skt., the veil of illusion) The way in which the world is experienced and which disguises the true unity of reality (see also brahman, atman ) …

    Philosophy dictionary

  • 36Mimamsa — (Skt., investigation) One of the six orthodox schools (darshanas ) of Hindu philosophy, and the most concerned to interpret the texts of the Vedas as a system of ritual. The fundamentalism of Mimamsa includes a reverential, non conventional view… …

    Philosophy dictionary

  • 37moksha — (Skt., liberation) Liberation from the cycle of existence (samsara ) often identified with a state of knowledge in which the phenomenal world and its concerns are shut out in favour of a mystical identification with the ultimate, changeless… …

    Philosophy dictionary

  • 38Nyaya — (Skt., logical analysis) One of the six orthodox Hindu schools (darshanas ). The Nyaya (or, in its alliance with Hindu metaphysics of nature, the Nyaya–Vaisheshika ) school concentrates upon our knowledge of reality. Perception, inference,… …

    Philosophy dictionary

  • 39pramana — (Skt., measure) A standard of reasoning, or criterion of truth. The sources or bases of knowledge may be distinguished as perception, inference, testimony, analogy, implication in a wider sense than inference, and the interesting category of… …

    Philosophy dictionary

  • 40purusa — (Skt., mankind) Particularly Cosmic Man, or the creative source. The occupational divisions of Vedic society, and eventually the Indian caste system, correspond to the four parts of the sacrificed body of the purusa . The sacrificed God or… …

    Philosophy dictionary