
  • 111Toma Lá, Dá Cá — is a Brazilian television sitcom broadcast by Globo Network on Tuesday nights. The episodes are performed in front of a live audience, in a format very similar to the one of older sitcom Sai de Baixo, also created by Miguel Falabella.PlotEvery… …


  • 112Christianity in Asia — Christianity spread from Western Asia to China between the 1st to the 14th century AD, and further to Eastern Asia from the 16th century with the European Age of Discovery. Christianity in Asia has its roots in the very inception of Christianity …


  • 113Armeno-Mongol alliance — [ thumb|Cilician Armenia was bordered by the Mongol Ilkhanate to the east, and the Crusader state of the Principality of Antioch to the South, another ally of the Mongols.] The Armeno Mongol alliance [Claude Mutafian describes The Armeno Mongol… …


  • 114MAPK6 — Mitogen activated protein kinase 6, also known as MAPK6, is a human gene.cite web | title = Entrez Gene: MAPK6 mitogen activated protein kinase 6| url = Cmd=ShowDetailView TermToSearch=5597|… …


  • 115Mar Denha I — Infobox ReligiousBio background = name = Mar Denha I Mar Denha I religion = Christianity alias = location = Baghdad Title = Patriarch Period = 1266 1281 Predecessor = Successor = ordination = post = previous post = present post = date of birth =… …


  • 116Mamluk-Mongol alliance — A Mamluk Mongol alliance [Ryley Smith in Atlas of the Crusades , p.112 (French Edition): When the Golden Horde allied with the Mamluks, the Ilkhanate looked towards an alliance with the Chritians ] [”The alliance which Berke had created between… …


  • 117Somalamma — Soma (Sanskrit: सोम), or Haoma (Avestan), from Proto Indo Iranian *sauma , was a ritual drink of importance among the early Indo Iranians, and the later Vedic and greater Persian cultures. It is frequently mentioned in the Rigveda, which contains …


  • 118Al-Qairawan — DMS …

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  • 119Assyrische Kirche des Ostens — Die Assyrische Kirche des Ostens (syrisch aramäisch: ܥܕܬܐ ܩܕܝܫܬܐ ܘܫܠܝܚܝܬܐ ܩܬܘܠܝܩܝ ܕܡܕܢܚܐ ܕܐܬܘܪ̈ܝܐ‏, auch Apostolische Kirche des Ostens; vollständige Bezeichnung: Heilige Apostolische und Katholische Assyrische Kirche des Ostens) ist eine… …

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  • 120Babai der Große — (* um 551 in Beth Ainata; † 628) war ein wichtiger Theologe innerhalb der Assyrischen Kirche des Ostens. Babai wurde in einer wohlhabenden persischen Familie geboren und lernte in seiner Jugend persische Pahlavi Bücher. Danach studierte er an der …

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