roll oneself up

  • 131rise — v 1. get up, arise, levitate, ascend, uprise; get on one s feet, leap up, jump up, spring up, bolt up; clamber up, climb up, scale, go up, Inf. shin up, Inf. shinny up, Inf. shimmy up; scramble up, scrabble up, work one s way up, escalade,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 132run — v 1. dash, dart, bolt, tear, tear along, bowl along, make time, cover ground, make strides or rapid strides; sprint, fly, flit, whiz, whisk; zoom, zip, career, rip, scour, scud, scorch, burn up the road, outstrip the wind, race like the wind, go… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder