
  • 41guer|ril|le|ro — «GEHR uhl YAY roh», noun, plural ros. a guerrilla, especially in a Latin American country. Also, guerillero. ╂[< Spanish guerrillero < guerrilla] …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 42Ji|ca|ril|la — «hee kuh REE yuh», noun, plural la or las. 1. a member of an Apache tribe of northern New Mexico. 2. the language of this tribe …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 43mont|mo|ril|lon|ite — «MONT muh RIHL uh nyt», noun. one of a group of mineral clays, a silicate of aluminum and certain other elements, used because of its absorbent structure for various industrial purposes and for safely disposing of radioactive waste materials.… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 44neu|ril|i|ty — «nu RIHL uh tee, nyu », noun. the properties which are characteristic of nerve tissue, such as the conducting of stimuli …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 45pa|ril|lin — «puh RIHL ihn», noun. Chemistry. a bitter white crystalline principle obtained from the root of sarsaparilla, used as a flavoring agent. Formula: C45H74O17 ╂[< (sarsa) parilla + in] …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 46pe|ril|la — «puh RIHL uh», noun. a one of a group of Asiatic herbs of the mint family whose seeds yield a yellow oil that is used in making varnish and printing ink, and in the Orient for cooking. Some kinds are grown in gardens for their colorful leaves.… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 47quad|ril|lage — «ka dree LAZH», noun. French. a system of defense in which an area is divided into small squares, and each square guarded by a small detachment of troops, sometimes used to protect the local population against guerrilla attacks …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 48quad|ril|lionth — «kwod RIHL yuhnth», noun, adjective. –n. 1. the last in a series of a quadrillion. 2. one of a quadrillion equal parts. –adj. last in a series of a quadrillion …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 49quad|ril|lion — «kwod RIHL yuhn», noun, adjective. 1. (in the U.S., Canada, and France) 1 followed by 15 zeros. 2. (in Great Britain and Germany) 1 followed by 24 zeros. ╂[alteration of French quadrillon < quadri four + million million] …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 50sar|sa|pa|ril|la — «SAS puh RIHL uh, SAHR suh », noun. 1. a tropical American climbing or trailing plant of the lily family; any one of several species of greenbrier. 2. its dried root, used for flavoring and formerly used in medicine. 3. a cooling drink flavored… …

    Useful english dictionary