
  • 61fiery — adj 1. on fire, afire, in flames, flaming, conflagrant; burning, blazing, ablaze; igneous, volcanic; intensely hot, red hot, white hot, candent; tropical, sweltering, Archaic. calid, torrid, parching; heated, thermal, calorific. 2. glowing, aglow …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 62heated — adj 1. heated up, warmed or warmed up, Obs. chafed, reheated, warmed over; baked, cooked, toasted. 2. excited, exhilarated, Inf. psyched or psyched up, enthusiastic, enlivened, inspired, animated; inflamed, fiery, vehement, passionate,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 63impassioned — adj 1. passionate, impassionate, ardent, vehement, zealous; overzealous, overeager, overanxious, Inf. gung ho; fervent, fervid, perfervid; earnest, eager, animated, enthusiastic, Inf. enthused, Inf. psyched or psyched up; excited, sparkling,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 64incandescent — adj 1. alight, lit, lighted, illuminating, lambent, irradiant; sunny, sunshiny, shining, beaming, beamy; fulgid, glittering, rutilant; fulgent, effulgent, refulgent; luminous, luminescent, lumi niferous, luciferous; sparkling, twinkling, flashing …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 65passionate — adj 1. impassioned, impassionate, ardent, vehement, zealous; overzealous, overeager, overanxious, Inf. gung ho; fervent, fervid, perfervid; earnest, eager, animated, enthusiastic, enthused, Inf. psyched or psyched up; excited, sparkling, glowing …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 66primed — adj 1. ready, ready for anything, ready to go, all ready, good and ready, in readiness, set, all set, prepared, Inf. prepped, Sl. loaded for bear; in the sad die, booted and spurred, Inf. itching or dying to get started, Inf. rarin to go, Inf.… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 67ready — adj 1. prepared, primed, all set, set, in readiness, Latin, semper paratus, Latin, animis opibusque parati; in condition, fit, in shape, in practice, on one s toes; up to, equal to; mature, ripe, seasoned; equipped, booted and spurred, fitted out …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 68red-hot — adj 1. burning, scorching, blistering, sizzling; white hot; molten. 2. fiery, hot, hot blooded, impassioned, heated, inflamed, feverish, febrile, flushed; passionate, vehement, fervid, fervent, zealous, intense, ardent; fanatic, perfervid,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 69voracious — adj 1. ravenous, ravening, devouring, gluttonous, gormandizing, cormorant, edacious; open mouthed, hoggish, piggish, swinish, gross. 2. insatiable, insatiate, unquenchable, omnivorous; desirous, greedy, cupidinous, avaricious, esurient; grasping …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 70wait — v 1. stay, rest, remain, abide; linger, loiter, tarry; await, wait for, Dial. wait on; stand by, Inf. hang around or about, Inf. stick around; pause, hesitate, hover, hold back, hang back, bide one s time; hold one s horses, Inf. sit tight, Sl.… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder