
  • 111preside — [prē zīd′, prizīd′] vi. presided, presiding [Fr présider < L praesidere, to preside over, protect < prae , PRE + sedere, to SIT] 1. to be in the position of authority in an assembly; serve as chairman 2. to have or exercise control or… …

    English World dictionary

  • 112president — [prez′i dənt, prez′ident΄] n. [ME < MFr < L praesidens < prp. of praesidere: see PRESIDE ] ☆ 1. the highest executive officer of a company, society, university, club, etc. 2. [often P ] a) the chief executive of a republic having no… …

    English World dictionary

  • 113presidio — ☆ presidio [pri sid′ē ō΄ ] n. pl. presidios [Sp < L praesidium, garrison < praeses, guard < praesidere: see PRESIDE] a fortified place or military post, esp. in the SW U.S. presidial adj. presidiary …

    English World dictionary

  • 114preside — v.intr. 1 (often foll. by at, over) be in a position of authority, esp. as the chairperson or president of a meeting. 2 a exercise control or authority. b (foll. by at) colloq. play an instrument in company (presided at the piano). Etymology: F… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 115preses — ˈprēˌsēz noun (plural preses) Etymology: Latin praesid , praeses guard, president, ruler, from praesidēre to guard, preside over chiefly Scotland : the president or presiding officer (as of a meeting or group) : chairman * * * preses var …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 116presidial — prə̇ˈsidēəl adjective Etymology: Late Latin praesidialis of a garrison, from Latin praesidium defense, garrison, fortification (from praesid , praeses guard, president, ruler, from praesidēre to guard, preside over) + alis al more at preside 1 …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 117Pres|i|dent — «PREHZ uh duhnt, PREHZ duhnt», noun. 1. the chief officer of a company, corporation, college, society, or club: »a bank president, the president of Columbia University. 2. the highest executive officer of a republic: »the president of Argentina.… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 118pres|i|dent — «PREHZ uh duhnt, PREHZ duhnt», noun. 1. the chief officer of a company, corporation, college, society, or club: »a bank president, the president of Columbia University. 2. the highest executive officer of a republic: »the president of Argentina.… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 119pre|sid´er — pre|side «prih ZYD», intransitive verb, sid|ed, sid|ing. 1. to hold the place of authority; have charge of a meeting: »Our principal will preside at our election of school officers. 2. to have authority; have control: »The manager presides over… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 120pre|side — «prih ZYD», intransitive verb, sid|ed, sid|ing. 1. to hold the place of authority; have charge of a meeting: »Our principal will preside at our election of school officers. 2. to have authority; have control: »The manager presides over the… …

    Useful english dictionary