
  • 1Phenanthrene — Phénanthrène Phénanthrène Structure du phénanthrène Général No CAS …

    Wikipédia en Français

  • 2Phénanthrène — Structure du phénanthrène Général …

    Wikipédia en Français

  • 3phénanthrène — [ fenɑ̃trɛn ] n. m. • 1890; de phénol et gr. anthrax « charbon » ♦ Chim. Carbure cyclique (C14H10) isomère de l anthracène, produit de la distillation du goudron de houille, utilisé pour fabriquer le noir de fumée et des matières colorantes. ●… …

    Encyclopédie Universelle

  • 4Phenanthrene — Phe*nan threne, n. [Phenyl + antracene.] (Chem.) A complex hydrocarbon, {C14H10}, found in coal tar, and obtained as a white crystalline substance with a bluish fluorescence. [1913 Webster] …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 5phenanthrene — [fə nan′thrēn΄] n. [< PHEN + ANTHR(AC)ENE] a colorless, crystalline hydrocarbon, C14H10, an isomer of the anthracene present in coal tar, used in making dyes, explosives, etc …

    English World dictionary

  • 6Phenanthrene — Chembox new ImageFile=Phenanthrene.png ImageSize=200px IUPACName=Phenanthrene OtherNames= Section1= Chembox Identifiers CASNo=85 01 8 PubChem=995 SMILES=c1ccc2c(c1)ccc3ccccc32 InChI=1/C14H10/c1 3 7 13 11(5 1)9 10 12 6 2 4 8 14(12)13/ h1 10H… …


  • 7phenanthrene — fenantrenas statusas T sritis chemija formulė C₁₄H₁₀ atitikmenys: angl. phenanthrene rus. фенантрен …

    Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • 8phenanthrene — noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary phen + anthracene Date: 1882 a crystalline tricyclic aromatic hydrocarbon C14H10 of coal tar isomeric with anthracene …

    New Collegiate Dictionary

  • 9phenanthrene — /feuh nan threen/, n. Chem. a colorless, shiny, crystalline, water insoluble isomer of anthracene, C14H10, derived from coal tar: used chiefly in dyestuffs and in the synthesis of drugs. [1880 85; PHEN + ANTHR + ENE] * * * …


  • 10phenanthrene — noun A tricyclic aromatic hydrocarbon obtained from coal tar; used in the manufacture of dyes, pharmaceuticals and explosives; it is isomeric with anthracene …
