perspective (noun)

  • 121attitude — noun 1) you seem ambivalent in your attitude Syn: view, viewpoint, outlook, perspective, stance, standpoint, position, inclination, temper, orientation, approach, reaction; opinion, ideas, convictions, feelings, thinking …

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  • 122complexion — noun 1) a pale complexion Syn: skin, skin color, skin tone; pigmentation 2) this puts an entirely new complexion on things Syn: perspective, angle, slant, interpretation; appearance, light, look …

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  • 123horizon — noun 1) the sun rose above the horizon Syn: skyline 2) she wanted to broaden her horizons Syn: outlook, perspective, perception; range of experience, range of interests, scope, prospect, ambit, compass, orbit …

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  • 124landscape — noun the landscape of Tahiti Syn: scenery, countryside, topography, country, terrain; outlook, view, vista, prospect, aspect, panorama, perspective, sweep …

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  • 125opinion — noun she did not share her husband s opinion a matter of opinion be of the opinion in my opinion Syn: belief, judgment, thought(s), (way of) thinking, mind, (point of) view, viewpoint, outlook, attitude …

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  • 126outlook — noun 1) the two men were wholly different in outlook Syn: point of view, viewpoint, views, opinion, (way of) thinking, perspective, attitude, standpoint, stance, frame of mind 2) the outlook for the economy Syn: pro …

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  • 127stance — noun 1) a natural golfer s stance Syn: posture, body position, pose, attitude 2) a liberal stance Syn: attitude, stand, point of view, viewpoint, opinion, way of thinking, outlook, s …

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  • 128standpoint — noun she writes on religion from the standpoint of a believer Syn: point of view, viewpoint, vantage point, attitude, stance, view, opinion, position, way of thinking, outlook, perspective …

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