passions (noun)

  • 121demagogue — /ˈdɛməgɒg / (say demuhgog) noun 1. a leader who uses the passions or prejudices of the populace to further his or her own interests; an unprincipled popular orator or agitator. 2. (historically) a leader of the people. Also, US, demagog. {Greek… …

  • 122extravagant — /əkˈstrævəgənt / (say uhk stravuhguhnt), /ɛk / (say ek ) adjective 1. going beyond prudence or necessity in expenditure; wasteful: an extravagant person. 2. excessively high; exorbitant: extravagant expenses; extravagant prices. 3. exceeding the… …

  • 123firebrand — /ˈfaɪəbrænd/ (say fuyuhbrand) noun 1. a piece of burning wood or other material. 2. someone or something that kindles strife, inflames the passions, etc …

  • 124flesh — /flɛʃ / (say flesh) noun 1. the soft substance of an animal body, consisting of muscle and fat. 2. muscular tissue. 3. fatness; weight: to put on flesh. 4. such substance of animals as an article of food, usually excluding fish and sometimes… …

  • 125incendiarism — /ɪnˈsɛndʒərɪzəm/ (say in senjuhrizuhm) noun 1. the act or practice of an incendiary; malicious burning. 2. inflammatory agitation; the arousing of passions or violence …

  • 126inflame — [c]/ɪnˈfleɪm / (say in flaym) verb (inflamed, inflaming) –verb (t) 1. to set aflame or afire. 2. to light or redden with or as with flames: the setting sun inflames the sky. 3. to kindle or excite (passions, desires, etc.). 4. to arouse to a high …

  • 127lawless — /ˈlɔləs/ (say lawluhs) adjective 1. regardless of or contrary to law: lawless violence. 2. uncontrolled by law; unbridled: lawless passions. 3. without law; not regulated by law. –lawlessly, adverb –lawlessness, noun …

  • 128mortify — [c]/ˈmɔtəfaɪ / (say mawtuhfuy) verb (mortified, mortifying) –verb (t) 1. to humiliate in feeling, as by a severe wound to the pride or self complacency. 2. to bring (the body, passions, etc.) into subjection by abstinence, ascetic discipline, or… …