pars inferior

  • 31pars cavernosa arteriae carotidis internae — [TA] cavernous part of internal carotid artery: the part located in the cavernous sinus; it has numerous branches, including tentorial basal, tentorial marginal, meningeal, and cavernous branches, branches to trigeminal ganglion, and the inferior …

    Medical dictionary

  • 32pars cervicalis tracheae — [TA] the part of the trachea located in the cervical region, related anteriorly to the jugular venous arch, sternohyoid and sternothyroid muscles, isthmus of thyroid gland, inferior thyroid veins, thymus, arteria thyroidea ima, posteriorly to the …

    Medical dictionary

  • 33pars descendens duodeni — [TA] descending part of duodenum: the part between the superior and inferior parts, into which the bile and pancreatic ducts open …

    Medical dictionary

  • 34pars membranacea septi nasi — [TA] membranous part of nasal septum: the anterior inferior part of the nasal septum, beneath the cartilaginous part; it is composed of skin and subcutaneous tissues. Called also membranous nasal septum and membranous septum of nose …

    Medical dictionary

  • 35pars obliqua musculi cricothyroidei — [TA] the fibers of the cricothyroid muscle that are inserted into the inferior horn, caudal margin, and inner surface of the thyroid cartilage …

    Medical dictionary

  • 36pars posterior commissurae anterioris — [TA] posterior part of anterior commissure: the larger posterior portion of the commissure, whose fibers interconnect the middle and inferior temporal gyri, the parahippocampal gyri, and the amygdaloid bodies of the two sides …

    Medical dictionary

  • 37pars profunda musculi masseteris — [TA] deep part of masseter muscle: the part whose fibers arise from the medial surface of the zygomatic arch and the fascia over the temporal muscle, and are directed in a vertical inferior direction …

    Medical dictionary

  • 38pars respiratoria cavitatis nasi — [TA] respiratory region: the part of the nasal cavity inferior to the olfactory region …

    Medical dictionary

  • 39pars sublentiformis capsulae internae — [TA] sublentiform part of internal capsule: the part of the internal capsule lying inferior to the posterior part of the lentiform nucleus, and containing the temporopontine, geniculocalcarine, and auditory radiation fibers. Called also… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 40pars tympanica ossis temporalis — [TA] tympanic part of temporal bone: the curved bony plate, developed from the annulus tympanicus of the fetus, forming the anterior and inferior walls and part of the posterior wall of the external auditory meatus in the adult; called also… …

    Medical dictionary