paper-tape code

  • 121Braille — Infobox Writing system name = Braille type = Alphabet typedesc = (non linear writing) time = 1821 to the present languages = Several fam1 = Night writing creator = Louis Braille unicode = [ U+2800 to… …


  • 122The Miami Herald — The March 5, 2007 front page of The Miami Herald Type Daily newspaper Format …


  • 123Mainframe computer — For other uses, see Mainframe (disambiguation). An IBM 704 mainframe (1964) Mainframes (often colloquially referred to as big iron [1]) are powerful computers used primarily by corporate and governmental organizations for critical applications,… …


  • 124Creed & Company — was a British telecommunications company founded by Frederick George Creed which was an important pioneer in the field of teleprinter machines. It was merged into the International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation (IT T) in 1928. History …


  • 125Dartmouth ALGOL 30 — was an implementation, firstly of ALGOL 58, then of ALGOL 60 for the LGP 30 at Dartmouth College, hence the name. Since the limited size of the LGP 30 precluded a full implementation of ALGOL 60, certain of its features (arrays called by value,… …


  • 126SDS 930 — The Scientific Data Systems SDS 930, was the first commercial computer series to use transistors (PNP).It consisted of at least three standard (30 cu. ft.) cabinets, comprising the arithmetic and logic unit, at least 8,192 words (24 bit + simple… …


  • 127History of general purpose CPUs — The history of general purpose CPUs is a continuation of the earlier history of computing hardware. 1950s: early designs Each of the computer designs of the early 1950s was a unique design; there were no upward compatible machines or computer… …


  • 128Modified Harvard architecture — The Modified Harvard Architecture is a variation of the Harvard computer architecture that allows the contents of the instruction memory to be accessed as if it were data. Most modern computers that are documented as Harvard Architecture are, in… …
