
  • 61overtax — v 1. surcharge, overcharge; fleece, gouge, screw, extort, bleed white, make pay through the nose; All. Sl. rob, rip off, hold up, soak, stick, clip. 2. overtask, overwork, overlabor, overexert, overex tend, overexercise, overstrain, overdrive;… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 62overwork — v 1. overtax, overtask, overexert, over extend, overexercise, overstrain, overdrive; fag or fag out, enervate, exhaust, jade, wear out, prostrate, run or drive into the ground; oppress, overload, overlade, overburden, overweight, overcharge,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 63saddle — n 1. seat, perch, roost; sidesaddle, demi pique, pad, panel, pillion; packsaddle, Span, aparejo. v 2.(of a horse or other animal) equip, outfit, accouter; tack up, saddle up, prepare or get ready for riding. 3.Usu. saddle with charge, assign [s.t …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 64stress — n 1. emphasis, accent, accentuation, italics, underscoring, underlining; significance, consequence, consideration, moment, import, concern, note, mark; importance, primacy, priority, preeminence, distinction, prestige; value, worth, merit,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 65stretch — v 1. extend, draw out, pull, tense, tauten; lengthen, elongate; widen, broaden; expand, enlarge, increase, amplify, aggrandize; distend, dilate, puff up, blow up, balloon, inflate. 2. offer, proffer, hold out, reach out, reach forth. 3. spread,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 66task — n 1. duty, job, chore, odd job, work, devoir; assignment, lesson, exercise, homework; commission, mission, engagement, errand, quest. 2. labor, toil, drudgery, work, strain; difficulty, travail, tribulation, trial, passion; sweat, fag, grind,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 67tax — n 1. duty, impost, levy, payment, surtax, surcharge; tribute, contribution, capitation; tariff, charge, exaction, taxation, scot; excise, custom, Brit. cess, octroi; fee, dues, toll, rate, rating, assessment; poll tax, property tax, income tax,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 68wear — v 1. dress in, don, put on, slip into or on, get into, step into; display, show off, parade, flaunt, flourish, Inf. sport; bear, carry, exhibit, show, manifest, evince, reveal; assume, adopt. 2. impair, deteriorate, degenerate, worsen, canker,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 69drive — [c]/draɪv / (say druyv) verb (drove or, Archaic, drave, driven, driving) –verb (t) 1. to send along, away, off, in, out, back, etc., by compulsion; force along. 2. to overwork; overtask. 3. to cause and guide the movement of (an animal, vehicle,… …

  • 70strain — 1. v. & n. v. 1 tr. & intr. stretch tightly; make or become taut or tense. 2 tr. exercise (oneself, one s senses, a thing, etc.) intensely or excessively, press to extremes. 3 a intr. make an intensive effort. b intr. (foll. by after) strive… …

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