overriding concern

  • 121interest group — a group of people drawn or acting together in support of a common interest or to voice a common concern: Political interest groups seek to influence legislation. [1905 10] * * * ▪ political science Introduction also called  special interest group …


  • 122ancient Greek civilization — ▪ historical region, Eurasia Introduction       the period following Mycenaean civilization, which ended in about 1200 BC, to the death of Alexander the Great, in 323 BC. It was a period of political, philosophical, artistic, and scientific… …


  • 123Western sculpture — ▪ art Introduction       three dimensional artistic forms produced in what is now Europe and later in non European areas dominated by European culture (such as North America) from the Metal Ages (Europe, history of) to the present.       Like… …


  • 124Mill, John Stuart: Ethics and politics — J.S.Mill Ethics and politics R.F.Khan ON LIBERTY John Stuart Mill’s mature views on ethics and politics are to be found in On Liberty (published in 1859), Utilitarianism (1861), Considerations on Representative Government (1861) and The… …

    History of philosophy

  • 125UNITED STATES LITERATURE — The Influence of the Bible and Hebrew Culture The Jewish influence on American literary expression predated the actual arrival of Jews in the United States in 1654, for the Puritan culture of New England was marked from the outset by a deep… …

    Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • 126Derek Parfit — (born December 11, 1942; China) is a British philosopher who specializes in problems of personal identity, rationality and ethics, and the relations between them. His 1984 book Reasons and Persons (described by Alan Ryan in The Sunday Times as… …


  • 127Journalism ethics and standards — comprise principles of ethics and of good practice as applicable to the specific challenges faced by professional journalists. Historically and currently, this subset of media ethics is widely known to journalists as their professional code of… …


  • 128Ali Gomaa — Sheikh Ali Gomaa على جمعة Religion Islam School Shafi i Personal …
