on mount helicon

  • 21Classical albedo features on Mars — Mars, as seen through a small telescope, showing the patterns of colour known as albedo features. The classical albedo features of Mars are the light and dark features that can be seen on the planet Mars through an Earth based telescope. Before… …


  • 22Mary Barnard — Mary Ethel Barnard (December 6, 1909 – August 25, 2001) was an American poet, biographer and Greek to English translator. She is known for her clear interpretation of the works of Sappho, a translation which has never gone out of print. Paideuma …


  • 23Thespiae — /thes pee ee /, n. a city at the foot of Mount Helicon where, according to mythology, the Muses performed their games. * * * Ancient town, Boeotia, eastern central Greece. It was the site of temples and festivals of the Muses and of Praxiteles… …


  • 24hel|i|con — «HEHL uh kon, kuhn», noun. poetry and poetic inspiration, regarded in legend as flowing from two fountains on the side of Mount Helicon in southern Greece. hel|i|con «HEHL uh kon, kuhn», noun. a large bass tuba, circular in form. ╂[< Helicon;… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 25Hel|i|con — «HEHL uh kon, kuhn», noun. poetry and poetic inspiration, regarded in legend as flowing from two fountains on the side of Mount Helicon in southern Greece. hel|i|con «HEHL uh kon, kuhn», noun. a large bass tuba, circular in form. ╂[< Helicon;… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 26Pegasus — In Greek mythology, Pegasus (Greek: Πήγασος , Pégasos, strong ) was a winged horse that was the son of Poseidon, in his role as horse god, and the Gorgon Medusa.EtymologyHesiod connects the name Pegasos with the word for spring, well , pēgē ;… …


  • 27The Death of Hyacinthos — Infobox Painting painting alignment = right image size = 150px title = The Death of Hyacinthos other language 1 = other title 1 = other language 2 = other title 2 = artist = Jean Broc year = 1801 type = Oil on canvas height = width = height inch …


  • 28Castalia — Castalia, in Greek mythology, was a nymph whom Apollo transformed into a fountain at Delphi, at the base of Mount Parnassos, or at Mount Helicon. Castalia could inspire the genius of poetry to those who drank her waters or listened to their quiet …


  • 29Down to Earth (1947 film) — Down to Earth Directed by Alexander Hall Produced by Don Hartman …


  • 30Delphic Games of the modern era — The Delphic Games of the modern era involve presentations, exhibitions, competitions and other activities in six different fields of art [1]. These games unite people of all nations and cultures through their fascination for the arts and have… …
