obstruct (verb)

  • 61intercept — verb the ball was intercepted a nearby Coast Guard cutter was able to intercept the gunrunners before they reached the harbor Syn: stop, head off, cut off; catch, seize, grab, snatch; obstruct, impede, interrupt, block, check, detain; ambush,… …

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  • 62interfere — verb 1) we don t let emotion interfere with our duty Syn: impede, obstruct, stand in the way of, hinder, inhibit, restrict, constrain, hamper, handicap, cramp, check, block; disturb, disrupt, influence, impinge on …

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  • 63interrupt — verb 1) she opened her mouth to interrupt Syn: cut in (on), break in (on), barge in (on), intervene (in), put one s oar in, put one s two cents in, interject; informal butt in (on), chime in (with) 2) the band had to interrupt their tour Syn:… …

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  • 64prevent — verb how can any one agency prevent drug trafficking? Syn: stop, put a stop to, avert, nip in the bud, fend off, stave off, ward off; hinder, impede, hamper, obstruct, balk, foil, thwart, forestall, counteract, inhibit, curb …

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  • 65promote — verb 1) she s been promoted at work Syn: upgrade, give promotion to, elevate, advance, move up; humorous kick upstairs; archaic prefer Ant: demote 2) an organization promoting justice Syn: encourage …

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  • 66resist — verb 1) built to resist cold winters Syn: withstand, be proof against, combat, weather, endure, be resistant to, keep out Ant: be harmed by, be susceptible to 2) they resisted his attempts to change things Syn …

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  • 67restrict — verb 1) a busy working life restricted his leisure activities Syn: limit, keep within bounds, regulate, control, moderate, cut down 2) the cuff supports the ankle without restricting movement Syn: hinder, interfere with, impede, hamper …

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  • 68retard — verb the process is retarded by bureaucratic red tape Syn: delay, slow down, slow up, hold back, hold up, set back, postpone, put back, detain, decelerate; hinder, hamper, obstruct, inhibit, impede, check, restrain, restrict …

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  • 69shackle — verb 1) he was shackled to the wall Syn: chain, fetter, manacle; secure, tie (up), bind, tether, hobble; put in chains, clap in irons, handcuff 2) journalists were shackled by a new law Syn …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 70undo — verb 1) he undid another button Syn: unfasten, unbutton, unhook, untie, unlace; unlock, unbolt; loosen, disentangle, extricate, release, detach, free, open; disconnect, disengage, separate …

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