obstruct (verb)

  • 51choke — verb 1) Christopher started to choke Syn: gag, retch, cough, fight for breath 2) thick dust choked her Syn: suffocate, asphyxiate, smother, stifle 3) she had been choked to death …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 52constrict — verb 1) fat constricts the blood vessels Syn: narrow, make narrower, tighten, compress, contract, squeeze, strangle, strangulate; archaic straiten Ant: expand, dilate 2) fear of crime constricts many people s lives …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 53detain — verb 1) they were detained for questioning Syn: hold, take into custody, take (in), confine, imprison, lock up, put in jail, intern; arrest, apprehend, seize; informal pick up, run in, haul in, nab, collar Ant …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 54deter — verb 1) the high cost deterred many Syn: discourage, dissuade, put off, scare off; dishearten, demoralize, daunt, intimidate Ant: encourage 2) the presence of a guard deters crime Syn …

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  • 55disrupt — verb 1) the strike disrupted public transit Syn: throw into confusion, throw into disorder, throw into disarray, cause confusion/turmoil in, play havoc with; disturb, interfere with, upset, unsettle; obstruct, impede, hold up, delay, interrupt,… …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 56encumber — verb 1) her movements were encumbered by her heavy skirts Syn: hamper, hinder, obstruct, impede, cramp, inhibit, restrict, limit, constrain, restrain, bog down, retard, slow (down); inconvenience, disadvantage, handicap …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 57fetter — verb 1) the captive was fettered Syn: shackle, manacle, handcuff, clap in irons, put in chains, chain (up); informal cuff; literary enfetter 2) these obligations fetter the company s powers Syn: restrict, restrain, constrain, limit …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 58frustrate — verb 1) his plans were frustrated Syn: thwart, defeat, foil, block, stop, put a stop to, counter, spoil, check, balk, disappoint, forestall, dash, scotch, quash, crush, derail, snooker …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 59impede — verb your efforts to impede our progress will be unsuccessful Syn: hinder, obstruct, hamper, hold back/up, delay, interfere with, disrupt, retard, slow (down), hobble, cripple; block, check, stop, scupper, scuttle, thwart, frustrate …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 60inhibit — verb 1) the obstacles that inhibit change Syn: impede, hinder, hamper, hold back, discourage, interfere with, obstruct, slow down, retard; curb, check, suppress, restrict, fetter, cramp, frustrate, stifle …

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