
  • 91ass — n 1. donkey, burro, dickey, Chiefly Scot. cuddy, Brit. Sl. moke; jackass, jack, jenny, jennet; mule, hinny; beast of burden, pack or draft animal, Archaic. sumpter; wild ass, kiang, onager. 2. fool, tomfool, dope, nincompoop, ninny, lightweight;… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 92blockhead — n dunce, lunkhead, bonehead, knuckle head, fathead, pinhead, numskull, addlepate; fool, tomfool, dope, nincompoop, ninny, lightweight; oaf, boor, lout, dolt, dullard, Inf. chump, lummox, looby, Sl. klutz; idiot, simpleton, half wit, lamebrain,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 93bother — v 1. pester, hector, harass, Sl. bug, Sl. hassle, Sl. drive [s.o.] nuts or crazy or bananas, Sl. drive [s.o.] up a wall; hound, dog, nag, pick on, pick at, be on [s.o. s] back, Inf. give [s.o.] a hard time, Sl. ride; torment, taunt, bedevil,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 94clod — n 1. lump, mass, gob, glob, wad, ball; nugget, chunk, Inf. hunk, large piece; clump, cluster, bunch, pile, heap, mound; bulge, hump, node, bump, knob, bulb, protuberance. 2. earth, soil, ground, Archaic. loam, Archaic. glebe, field; sod, turf,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 95dolt — n blockhead, thick head, Inf. chump, dunce, Inf. dummy, Sl. dope, Sl. dumbbell, Sl. meatball or meathead; dullard, fathead, numskull, beetlehead, bonehead, dunderhead, dunderpate, chucklehead, Sl. dumbhead, Sl. lunkhead, Inf. knucklehead, Sl.… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 96dullard — n dolt, dunce, Inf. deadhead, blockhead, Sl. dummkopf, oaf, clod; loggerhead, thickhead, Inf. chump, Inf. coot, Inf. dummy, Sl. dodo, Sl. dope, Sl. dumbbell, Sl. meatball or meathead; fathead, numskull, beetlehead, bonehead, dunderhead,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 97moron — n 1. retardate, Sl. retard, slow learner, Euph. special or exceptional student; (all collectively) the mentally handicapped, the educable mentally retarded, EMR, the trainable mentally handicapped, TMR. 2.Informal. idiot, imbecile, mooncalf, Sl.… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 98oaf — n 1. dunce, dolt, dullard, blockhead, dunderhead, dunderpate, clodpate, loggerhead, thickhead, fathead, numskull, bonehead, Inf. knucklehead, Inf. deadhead, Sl. lunkhead, Sl. meathead, Sl. meatball, Sl. lardhead, Sl. dummkopf, Sl. stupidhead, Sl …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 99pest — n 1. gadfly, buttonholer, Inf. pain, Sl. pain in the neck or rear, Sl. nudnik; nag, pesterer, annoyer, harasser, heckler, badgerer; tease, teaser, tormentor, persecutor, Sl. itch. 2. nuisance, bother, annoyance, vexation, Inf. headache, Sl.… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 100thickhead — n blockhead, dunce, lunkhead, bone head, knucklehead, fathead, pinhead, numskull; fool, tomfool, dope, nincompoop, ninny, lightweight; oaf, boor, lout, dolt, dullard, Inf. chump, lummox, looby, Sl. klutz; idiot, simpleton, half wit, lamebrain,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder