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  • 1 рты

    Русско-английский технический словарь > рты

  • 2 рты

    Новый русско-английский словарь > рты

  • 3 на чужой роток не накинешь платок

    you can't gag people's mouths; there are too many mouths to stop; cf. the wind cannot be prevented from blowing

    - Договоришься ты! Загонят тебя, куда ворон костей не таскал! - Не испугаете-с! - отсекал Тихон Ильич, вскидывая бровями. - Нет-с! На всякий роток не накинешь платок! (И. Бунин, Деревня) — 'You'll talk yourself into trouble if you don't look out. They'll pack you off someplace where even ravens don't fly!' 'You can't scare me!' Tikhon Ilyich cut her short, glaring. 'No sirree! There're too many mouths to stop!'

    - Это всё нам известно. Второго такого специалиста нет в колхозе. А что касаемо оговоров, то на чужой роток не накинешь платок... (Г. Николаева, Жатва) — 'We all know that. There isn't a specialist like him on the farm. As for evil tongues, you can't gag people's mouths, as the saying goes.'

    Русско-английский фразеологический словарь > на чужой роток не накинешь платок

  • 4 гримасничать

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > гримасничать

  • 5 кормить семью

    General subject: make provision for family, have mouths to feed (I've got mouths to feed and bills to pay, you know.), do the breadwinning (It was always understood that my wife would do the bulk of the child care, and I would be doing the breadwinning.), feed one's family

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > кормить семью

  • 6 на всякий роток не накинешь платок

    Set phrase: pigs grunt about everything and nothing (it is impossible to make people not tell others of what happened to you, rumours are inevitable), tips will not seal lips, you can't gag people's mouths, you can't stop people's mouths

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > на всякий роток не накинешь платок

  • 7 на чужой роток не накинешь платок

    Set phrase: pigs grunt about everything and nothing (it is impossible to make people not tell others of what happened to you, rumours are inevitable), tips will not seal lips, you can't gag people's mouths, you can't stop people's mouths

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > на чужой роток не накинешь платок

  • 8 строить рожи

    General subject: make a mouth (кому-л.), make a mouths (кому-л.), make faces, make mouths, (кому-л.) make snoots at, pull, pull a face, pull faces, make a face (кому-л.), gurn, mouth

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > строить рожи

  • 9 Г-147

    ЗАТЫКАТЬ/ЗАТКНУТЬ ГЛОТКУ (ГОРЛО) кому highly coll, rude VP subj: human to force s.o. to be silent, prevent s.o. in a harsh manner from speaking, voicing his opinion
    X заткнул Y-y глотку = X shut Y's mouth
    X shut Y up X made Y keep Y's (big) mouth shut X gagged Y
    X put a muzzle on Y....(Партийный лектор) объяснил, что сборник (стихов Осипа Мандельштама) издан, чтобы продемонстрировать Западу свободу печати. «...Мы издали Мандельштама, чтобы заткнуть им глотку». - «Заткните и нам тоже!» -раздался голос из зала (Войнович 1).... A Party lecturer explained that the volume (of poems by Osip Mandelstam) had been published to demonstrate our freedom of the press to the West. u...We have published Mandelstam in order to shut their mouths." "Shut ours too!" came a voice from the audience (1a).
    «У меня достаточно способов заткнуть глотку говорунам» (Максимов 3). "I've got ways of shutting up loud mouths" (3a).
    Каждому ясно: когда экономика в паршивом состоянии, лучше всего затеять войну, чтобы сразу всем заткнуть глотки (Стругацкие 2). Everyone knew that when a country's economy was in rotten shape, the easiest dodge was to start a war as a pretext for gagging everyone immediately (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Г-147

  • 10 Р-180

    1. to begin to speak, say sth., express one's opinion etc: X рот разинул — X opened his mouth
    Neg (in cases where one or more speakers monopolize the conversation) X не мог рта раскрыть = X couldn't get a word in edgewise.
    «Кто там смел рот разинуть», - сказал грозно исправник... (Пушкин 1). "Who was it dared open his mouth over there?" asked the superintendent menacingly (1a).
    2. to get distracted from what one should be doing or paying attention to at the given moment
    X разинул рот = X was napping (spacing out)
    чего рот разинул? - why are you standing (sitting etc) there with your mouth open?
    why are you standing (sitting etc) there gaping?
    Neg Imper не разевай рот! - wake up!
    get with it!
    3. to be utterly amazed and show one's amazement
    X рот разинул - X's mouth fell open
    X's jaw dropped (in amazement) X gasped X gaped with open mouth (in limited contexts) X was knocked (thrown) for a loop
    X стоял разинув рот - X stood there with his mouth open.
    (Расплюев:) А сколько ты мне, например, говорит, Иуда, дашь денег под это детище?.. Того так и шелохнуло, и рот разинул... (Сухово-Кобылин 2). (R.:) And how much would you give me, Judas, he says, on this little trinket? That stirred him so, his mouth fell open (2b).
    ...Недоимок накопилось такое множество, что местный казначей, заглянув в казённый ящик, разинул рот... (Салтыков-Щедрин 1)..Such an amount of taxes went uncollected that when the local treasurer looked into the treasury cash-box, his jaw dropped in amazement. (1b).
    И бабка, и тетка Бекей, и Гульджамал с дочкой - все стояли бы разинув рты. Где это видано, чтобы голова была человечья, а тело рыбье! (Айтматов 1). And grandma, and Aunt Bekey, and Guldzhamal with her daughter would all stand gaping with open mouths. Who has ever seen a creature with a human head and the body of a fish! (1a). And old grandma, Aunt Bekai and Guljamal with her daughter—they'd all stand there with their mouths open Who's ever heard of such a thing?-a person's head on a fish's body (1b)
    4. (often pfv Verbal Adv with слушать) to become totally absorbed in listening to s.o.: X слушал раскрыв рот = X listened open-mouthed ( with open mouth, with his mouth wide open).
    Коротеев... любит пощеголять своими знаниями, ему лестно, что Лена слушает его раскрыв рот... Оренбург 3). Dmitry (Koroteyev) was., fond of showing off his knowledge, it flattered him to have Lena listening to him open-mouthed (3a).
    «Смотри, как девчоночке голову задуряет! А она рот раскрыла, дура, и слухает (regional = слушает)» (Свирский 1). "See how he's turning that girl's head' And there she stands with her mouth wide open drinking it all in, the fool!" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Р-180

  • 11 Х-35

    ОТБИВАТЬ/ОТБИТЬ (ПЕРЕБИВАТЬ/ПЕРЕБИТЬ obs) ХЛЕБ у кого coll VP subj: human to deprive another person of earnings or an opportunity to earn money by taking up his work by extension to (try to) take attention, praise etc away from s.o. by infringing on his area of activity
    X отбивает хлеб у Y-a = X is taking (is trying to take, is stealing etc) (the) bread out of Y's mouth
    X is doing (is trying to do) Y out of a ( Y's) job (extended usage) X is stealing the spotlight from Y.
    (Фёкла:) Знаешь ли ты, мать моя, ведь меня чуть было не прибили, ей-богу! Старуха-то, что женила Афёровых, так было приступила ко мне: «Ты такая и этакая, только хлеб перебиваешь, знай свой квартал», - говорит (Гоголь 1). (Е:) Do you know, my dear, I was almost beaten up-yes, by God! The old woman that married the Afyorovs, she comes up to me. "You're a so and so," she says, "taking the bread out of the mouths of honest people. Stick to your own district" (1b).
    (Коринкина:) А коли у ней деньги, так зачем она в актрисы пошла, зачем рыщет по России, у нас хлеб отбивает? (Островский 3). (К.:) And if she has so much money, why should she be an actress? Why should she go travelling about Russia, stealing the bread out of our mouths? (3a).
    Дмитрий Алексеевич, - начал Урюпин... - Вот тут мы... вот, так сказать, наша с Валерием Осиповичем попытка отбить у вас хлеб...» (Дудинцев 1). "Comrade Lopatkin," Uriupin began.... "We have here...well - that is Comrade Maxiutenko's and my attempt to do you out of your job!" (1a).
    «Кто чем угощает, a Кемал рассказом, - уточнил дядя Сандро, насмешливо поглядывая на Кемала, - отбивает хлеб у своего дяди» (Искандер 5). ( context transl) "Some people treat you to one thing, Kemal to a story," Uncle Sandro said, making it more precise, with a mocking glance at Kemal. "He takes the story right out of his uncle's mouth" (5a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Х-35

  • 12 заткнуть глотку

    ЗАТЫКАТЬ/ЗАТКНУТЬ ГЛОТКУ < ГОРЛО> кому highly coll, rude
    [VP; subj: human]
    to force s.o. to be silent, prevent s.o. in a harsh manner from speaking, voicing his opinion:
    - X заткнул Y-y глотку X shut Y's mouth;
    - X put a muzzle on Y.
         ♦...[Партийный лектор] объяснил, что сборник [стихов Осипа Мандельштама] издан, чтобы продемонстрировать Западу свободу печати. "...Мы издали Мандельштама, чтобы заткнуть им глотку". - "Заткните и нам тоже!" - раздался голос из зала (Войнович 1).... A Party lecturer explained that the volume [of poems by Osip Mandelstam] had been published to demonstrate our freedom of the press to the West. "...We have published Mandelstam in order to shut their mouths." "Shut ours too!" came a voice from the audience (1a).
         ♦ "У меня достаточно способов заткнуть глотку говорунам" (Максимов 3). "I've got ways of shutting up loud mouths" (За).
         ♦ Каждому ясно: когда экономика в паршивом состоянии, лучше всего затеять войну, чтобы сразу всем заткнуть глотки (Стругацкие 2). Everyone knew that when a country's economy was in rotten shape, the easiest dodge was to start a war as a pretext for gagging everyone immediately (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > заткнуть глотку

  • 13 заткнуть горло

    ЗАТЫКАТЬ/ЗАТКНУТЬ ГЛОТКУ < ГОРЛО> кому highly coll, rude
    [VP; subj: human]
    to force s.o. to be silent, prevent s.o. in a harsh manner from speaking, voicing his opinion:
    - X заткнул Y-y глотку X shut Y's mouth;
    - X put a muzzle on Y.
         ♦...[Партийный лектор] объяснил, что сборник [стихов Осипа Мандельштама] издан, чтобы продемонстрировать Западу свободу печати. "...Мы издали Мандельштама, чтобы заткнуть им глотку". - "Заткните и нам тоже!" - раздался голос из зала (Войнович 1).... A Party lecturer explained that the volume [of poems by Osip Mandelstam] had been published to demonstrate our freedom of the press to the West. "...We have published Mandelstam in order to shut their mouths." "Shut ours too!" came a voice from the audience (1a).
         ♦ "У меня достаточно способов заткнуть глотку говорунам" (Максимов 3). "I've got ways of shutting up loud mouths" (За).
         ♦ Каждому ясно: когда экономика в паршивом состоянии, лучше всего затеять войну, чтобы сразу всем заткнуть глотки (Стругацкие 2). Everyone knew that when a country's economy was in rotten shape, the easiest dodge was to start a war as a pretext for gagging everyone immediately (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > заткнуть горло

  • 14 затыкать глотку

    ЗАТЫКАТЬ/ЗАТКНУТЬ ГЛОТКУ < ГОРЛО> кому highly coll, rude
    [VP; subj: human]
    to force s.o. to be silent, prevent s.o. in a harsh manner from speaking, voicing his opinion:
    - X заткнул Y-y глотку X shut Y's mouth;
    - X put a muzzle on Y.
         ♦...[Партийный лектор] объяснил, что сборник [стихов Осипа Мандельштама] издан, чтобы продемонстрировать Западу свободу печати. "...Мы издали Мандельштама, чтобы заткнуть им глотку". - "Заткните и нам тоже!" - раздался голос из зала (Войнович 1).... A Party lecturer explained that the volume [of poems by Osip Mandelstam] had been published to demonstrate our freedom of the press to the West. "...We have published Mandelstam in order to shut their mouths." "Shut ours too!" came a voice from the audience (1a).
         ♦ "У меня достаточно способов заткнуть глотку говорунам" (Максимов 3). "I've got ways of shutting up loud mouths" (За).
         ♦ Каждому ясно: когда экономика в паршивом состоянии, лучше всего затеять войну, чтобы сразу всем заткнуть глотки (Стругацкие 2). Everyone knew that when a country's economy was in rotten shape, the easiest dodge was to start a war as a pretext for gagging everyone immediately (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > затыкать глотку

  • 15 затыкать горло

    ЗАТЫКАТЬ/ЗАТКНУТЬ ГЛОТКУ < ГОРЛО> кому highly coll, rude
    [VP; subj: human]
    to force s.o. to be silent, prevent s.o. in a harsh manner from speaking, voicing his opinion:
    - X заткнул Y-y глотку X shut Y's mouth;
    - X put a muzzle on Y.
         ♦...[Партийный лектор] объяснил, что сборник [стихов Осипа Мандельштама] издан, чтобы продемонстрировать Западу свободу печати. "...Мы издали Мандельштама, чтобы заткнуть им глотку". - "Заткните и нам тоже!" - раздался голос из зала (Войнович 1).... A Party lecturer explained that the volume [of poems by Osip Mandelstam] had been published to demonstrate our freedom of the press to the West. "...We have published Mandelstam in order to shut their mouths." "Shut ours too!" came a voice from the audience (1a).
         ♦ "У меня достаточно способов заткнуть глотку говорунам" (Максимов 3). "I've got ways of shutting up loud mouths" (За).
         ♦ Каждому ясно: когда экономика в паршивом состоянии, лучше всего затеять войну, чтобы сразу всем заткнуть глотки (Стругацкие 2). Everyone knew that when a country's economy was in rotten shape, the easiest dodge was to start a war as a pretext for gagging everyone immediately (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > затыкать горло

  • 16 открывать рот

    [VP; subj: human]
    1. to begin to speak, say sth., express one's opinion etc: X рот разинул X opened his mouth; || Neg [in cases where one or more speakers monopolize the conversation]
    X не мог рта раскрыть X couldn't get a word in edgewise.
         ♦ "Кто там смел рот разинуть", - сказал грозно исправник... (Пушкин 1). "Who was it dared open his mouth over there?" asked the superintendent menacingly (1a).
    2. to get distracted from what one should be doing or paying attention to at the given moment:
    - X разинул рот X was napping (spacing out);
    || чего рот разинул? - why are you standing (sitting etc) there with your mouth open?;
    - why are you standing (sitting etc) there gaping?;
    || Neg Imper не разевай рот! wake up!;
    - get with it!
    3. to be utterly amazed and show one's amazement:
    - X рот разинул X's mouth fell open;
    - [in limited contexts] X was knocked (thrown) for a loop;
    || X стоял разинув рот X stood there with his mouth open.
         ♦ [Расплюев:] А сколько ты мне, например, говорит, Иуда, дашь денег под это детище?.. Того так и шелохнуло, и рот разинул... (Сухово-Кобылин 2). [R.:] And how much would you give me, Judas, he says, on this little trinket? That stirred him so, his mouth fell open (2b).
         ♦...Недоимок накопилось такое множество, что местный казначей, заглянув в казённый ящик, разинул рот... (Салтыков-Щедрин 1)...Such an amount of taxes went uncollected that when the local treasurer looked into the treasury cash-box, his jaw dropped in amazement. (1b).
         ♦ И бабка, и тетка Бекей, и Гульджамал с дочкой - все стояли бы разинув рты. Где это видано, чтобы голова была человечья, а тело рыбье! (Айтматов 1). And grandma, and Aunt Bekey, and Guldzhamal with her daughter would all stand gaping with open mouths. Who has ever seen a creature with a human head and the body of a fish! (1a). And old grandma, Aunt Bekai and Guljamal with her daughter - they'd all stand there with their mouths open Who's ever heard of such a thing?-a person's head on a fish's body (1b)
    4. [often pfv Verbal Adv with слушать]
    to become totally absorbed in listening to s.o.:
    - X слушал раскрыв рот X listened open-mouthed (with open mouth, with his mouth wide open).
         ♦ Коротеев... любит пощеголять своими знаниями, ему лестно, что Лена слушает его раскрыв рот... (Эренбург 3). Dmitry [Koroteyev] was., fond of showing off his knowledge, it flattered him to have Lena listening to him open-mouthed (3a).
         ♦ "Смотри, как девчоночке голову задуряет! А она рот раскрыла, дура, и слухает [regional = слушает]" (Свирский 1). "See how he's turning that girl's head' And there she stands with her mouth wide open drinking it all in, the fool!" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > открывать рот

  • 17 открывать рты

    [VP; subj: human]
    1. to begin to speak, say sth., express one's opinion etc: X рот разинул X opened his mouth; || Neg [in cases where one or more speakers monopolize the conversation]
    X не мог рта раскрыть X couldn't get a word in edgewise.
         ♦ "Кто там смел рот разинуть", - сказал грозно исправник... (Пушкин 1). "Who was it dared open his mouth over there?" asked the superintendent menacingly (1a).
    2. to get distracted from what one should be doing or paying attention to at the given moment:
    - X разинул рот X was napping (spacing out);
    || чего рот разинул? - why are you standing (sitting etc) there with your mouth open?;
    - why are you standing (sitting etc) there gaping?;
    || Neg Imper не разевай рот! wake up!;
    - get with it!
    3. to be utterly amazed and show one's amazement:
    - X рот разинул X's mouth fell open;
    - [in limited contexts] X was knocked (thrown) for a loop;
    || X стоял разинув рот X stood there with his mouth open.
         ♦ [Расплюев:] А сколько ты мне, например, говорит, Иуда, дашь денег под это детище?.. Того так и шелохнуло, и рот разинул... (Сухово-Кобылин 2). [R.:] And how much would you give me, Judas, he says, on this little trinket? That stirred him so, his mouth fell open (2b).
         ♦...Недоимок накопилось такое множество, что местный казначей, заглянув в казённый ящик, разинул рот... (Салтыков-Щедрин 1)...Such an amount of taxes went uncollected that when the local treasurer looked into the treasury cash-box, his jaw dropped in amazement. (1b).
         ♦ И бабка, и тетка Бекей, и Гульджамал с дочкой - все стояли бы разинув рты. Где это видано, чтобы голова была человечья, а тело рыбье! (Айтматов 1). And grandma, and Aunt Bekey, and Guldzhamal with her daughter would all stand gaping with open mouths. Who has ever seen a creature with a human head and the body of a fish! (1a). And old grandma, Aunt Bekai and Guljamal with her daughter - they'd all stand there with their mouths open Who's ever heard of such a thing?-a person's head on a fish's body (1b)
    4. [often pfv Verbal Adv with слушать]
    to become totally absorbed in listening to s.o.:
    - X слушал раскрыв рот X listened open-mouthed (with open mouth, with his mouth wide open).
         ♦ Коротеев... любит пощеголять своими знаниями, ему лестно, что Лена слушает его раскрыв рот... (Эренбург 3). Dmitry [Koroteyev] was., fond of showing off his knowledge, it flattered him to have Lena listening to him open-mouthed (3a).
         ♦ "Смотри, как девчоночке голову задуряет! А она рот раскрыла, дура, и слухает [regional = слушает]" (Свирский 1). "See how he's turning that girl's head' And there she stands with her mouth wide open drinking it all in, the fool!" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > открывать рты

  • 18 открыть рот

    [VP; subj: human]
    1. to begin to speak, say sth., express one's opinion etc: X рот разинул X opened his mouth; || Neg [in cases where one or more speakers monopolize the conversation]
    X не мог рта раскрыть X couldn't get a word in edgewise.
         ♦ "Кто там смел рот разинуть", - сказал грозно исправник... (Пушкин 1). "Who was it dared open his mouth over there?" asked the superintendent menacingly (1a).
    2. to get distracted from what one should be doing or paying attention to at the given moment:
    - X разинул рот X was napping (spacing out);
    || чего рот разинул? - why are you standing (sitting etc) there with your mouth open?;
    - why are you standing (sitting etc) there gaping?;
    || Neg Imper не разевай рот! wake up!;
    - get with it!
    3. to be utterly amazed and show one's amazement:
    - X рот разинул X's mouth fell open;
    - [in limited contexts] X was knocked (thrown) for a loop;
    || X стоял разинув рот X stood there with his mouth open.
         ♦ [Расплюев:] А сколько ты мне, например, говорит, Иуда, дашь денег под это детище?.. Того так и шелохнуло, и рот разинул... (Сухово-Кобылин 2). [R.:] And how much would you give me, Judas, he says, on this little trinket? That stirred him so, his mouth fell open (2b).
         ♦...Недоимок накопилось такое множество, что местный казначей, заглянув в казённый ящик, разинул рот... (Салтыков-Щедрин 1)...Such an amount of taxes went uncollected that when the local treasurer looked into the treasury cash-box, his jaw dropped in amazement. (1b).
         ♦ И бабка, и тетка Бекей, и Гульджамал с дочкой - все стояли бы разинув рты. Где это видано, чтобы голова была человечья, а тело рыбье! (Айтматов 1). And grandma, and Aunt Bekey, and Guldzhamal with her daughter would all stand gaping with open mouths. Who has ever seen a creature with a human head and the body of a fish! (1a). And old grandma, Aunt Bekai and Guljamal with her daughter - they'd all stand there with their mouths open Who's ever heard of such a thing?-a person's head on a fish's body (1b)
    4. [often pfv Verbal Adv with слушать]
    to become totally absorbed in listening to s.o.:
    - X слушал раскрыв рот X listened open-mouthed (with open mouth, with his mouth wide open).
         ♦ Коротеев... любит пощеголять своими знаниями, ему лестно, что Лена слушает его раскрыв рот... (Эренбург 3). Dmitry [Koroteyev] was., fond of showing off his knowledge, it flattered him to have Lena listening to him open-mouthed (3a).
         ♦ "Смотри, как девчоночке голову задуряет! А она рот раскрыла, дура, и слухает [regional = слушает]" (Свирский 1). "See how he's turning that girl's head' And there she stands with her mouth wide open drinking it all in, the fool!" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > открыть рот

  • 19 открыть рты

    [VP; subj: human]
    1. to begin to speak, say sth., express one's opinion etc: X рот разинул X opened his mouth; || Neg [in cases where one or more speakers monopolize the conversation]
    X не мог рта раскрыть X couldn't get a word in edgewise.
         ♦ "Кто там смел рот разинуть", - сказал грозно исправник... (Пушкин 1). "Who was it dared open his mouth over there?" asked the superintendent menacingly (1a).
    2. to get distracted from what one should be doing or paying attention to at the given moment:
    - X разинул рот X was napping (spacing out);
    || чего рот разинул? - why are you standing (sitting etc) there with your mouth open?;
    - why are you standing (sitting etc) there gaping?;
    || Neg Imper не разевай рот! wake up!;
    - get with it!
    3. to be utterly amazed and show one's amazement:
    - X рот разинул X's mouth fell open;
    - [in limited contexts] X was knocked (thrown) for a loop;
    || X стоял разинув рот X stood there with his mouth open.
         ♦ [Расплюев:] А сколько ты мне, например, говорит, Иуда, дашь денег под это детище?.. Того так и шелохнуло, и рот разинул... (Сухово-Кобылин 2). [R.:] And how much would you give me, Judas, he says, on this little trinket? That stirred him so, his mouth fell open (2b).
         ♦...Недоимок накопилось такое множество, что местный казначей, заглянув в казённый ящик, разинул рот... (Салтыков-Щедрин 1)...Such an amount of taxes went uncollected that when the local treasurer looked into the treasury cash-box, his jaw dropped in amazement. (1b).
         ♦ И бабка, и тетка Бекей, и Гульджамал с дочкой - все стояли бы разинув рты. Где это видано, чтобы голова была человечья, а тело рыбье! (Айтматов 1). And grandma, and Aunt Bekey, and Guldzhamal with her daughter would all stand gaping with open mouths. Who has ever seen a creature with a human head and the body of a fish! (1a). And old grandma, Aunt Bekai and Guljamal with her daughter - they'd all stand there with their mouths open Who's ever heard of such a thing?-a person's head on a fish's body (1b)
    4. [often pfv Verbal Adv with слушать]
    to become totally absorbed in listening to s.o.:
    - X слушал раскрыв рот X listened open-mouthed (with open mouth, with his mouth wide open).
         ♦ Коротеев... любит пощеголять своими знаниями, ему лестно, что Лена слушает его раскрыв рот... (Эренбург 3). Dmitry [Koroteyev] was., fond of showing off his knowledge, it flattered him to have Lena listening to him open-mouthed (3a).
         ♦ "Смотри, как девчоночке голову задуряет! А она рот раскрыла, дура, и слухает [regional = слушает]" (Свирский 1). "See how he's turning that girl's head' And there she stands with her mouth wide open drinking it all in, the fool!" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > открыть рты

  • 20 разевать рот

    [VP; subj: human]
    1. to begin to speak, say sth., express one's opinion etc: X рот разинул X opened his mouth; || Neg [in cases where one or more speakers monopolize the conversation]
    X не мог рта раскрыть X couldn't get a word in edgewise.
         ♦ "Кто там смел рот разинуть", - сказал грозно исправник... (Пушкин 1). "Who was it dared open his mouth over there?" asked the superintendent menacingly (1a).
    2. to get distracted from what one should be doing or paying attention to at the given moment:
    - X разинул рот X was napping (spacing out);
    || чего рот разинул? - why are you standing (sitting etc) there with your mouth open?;
    - why are you standing (sitting etc) there gaping?;
    || Neg Imper не разевай рот! wake up!;
    - get with it!
    3. to be utterly amazed and show one's amazement:
    - X рот разинул X's mouth fell open;
    - [in limited contexts] X was knocked (thrown) for a loop;
    || X стоял разинув рот X stood there with his mouth open.
         ♦ [Расплюев:] А сколько ты мне, например, говорит, Иуда, дашь денег под это детище?.. Того так и шелохнуло, и рот разинул... (Сухово-Кобылин 2). [R.:] And how much would you give me, Judas, he says, on this little trinket? That stirred him so, his mouth fell open (2b).
         ♦...Недоимок накопилось такое множество, что местный казначей, заглянув в казённый ящик, разинул рот... (Салтыков-Щедрин 1)...Such an amount of taxes went uncollected that when the local treasurer looked into the treasury cash-box, his jaw dropped in amazement. (1b).
         ♦ И бабка, и тетка Бекей, и Гульджамал с дочкой - все стояли бы разинув рты. Где это видано, чтобы голова была человечья, а тело рыбье! (Айтматов 1). And grandma, and Aunt Bekey, and Guldzhamal with her daughter would all stand gaping with open mouths. Who has ever seen a creature with a human head and the body of a fish! (1a). And old grandma, Aunt Bekai and Guljamal with her daughter - they'd all stand there with their mouths open Who's ever heard of such a thing?-a person's head on a fish's body (1b)
    4. [often pfv Verbal Adv with слушать]
    to become totally absorbed in listening to s.o.:
    - X слушал раскрыв рот X listened open-mouthed (with open mouth, with his mouth wide open).
         ♦ Коротеев... любит пощеголять своими знаниями, ему лестно, что Лена слушает его раскрыв рот... (Эренбург 3). Dmitry [Koroteyev] was., fond of showing off his knowledge, it flattered him to have Lena listening to him open-mouthed (3a).
         ♦ "Смотри, как девчоночке голову задуряет! А она рот раскрыла, дура, и слухает [regional = слушает]" (Свирский 1). "See how he's turning that girl's head' And there she stands with her mouth wide open drinking it all in, the fool!" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > разевать рот

См. также в других словарях:

  • Mouths — Mouth Mouth (mouth), n.; pl. {Mouths} (mou[th]z). [OE. mouth, mu[thorn], AS. m[=u][eth]; akin to D. mond, OS. m[=u][eth], G. mund, Icel. mu[eth]r, munnr, Sw. mun, Dan. mund, Goth. mun[thorn]s, and possibly L. mentum chin; or cf. D. muil mouth,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Mouths of Sirion — is a fictional location in J. R. R. Tolkien s Middle earth universe. It was the refuge of the remnants of Eldar and Edain of Beleriand after the Nírnaeth Arnoediad and the Sack of Menegroth.The lands near the Mouths of Sirion were home to… …   Wikipedia

  • Mouths of Entwash —    The wetlands of the Entwash delta.    The River Entwash was the greatest of the tributaries of Anduin, and where the two rivers met, a mighty delta formed, measuring a hundred miles from the splitting of the Entwash to its final inflow into… …   J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth glossary

  • mouths — maʊθ n. facial feature above the chin and below the nose; part of the body used for eating and communicating; entrance, opening; point where a river runs into a sea; spout, nozzle; rudeness, insolent speech (Informal) v. express, give voice to; …   English contemporary dictionary

  • mouths —    On the analogy that an itch on particular parts of the body is significant of some future event, two early writers refer to an itching mouth or lips:    My mouth has itched all this long day That is a sign of kissing at least (Chaucer, Miller… …   A Dictionary of English folklore

  • MOUTHS — …   Useful english dictionary

  • Mouths of Anduin —    The wide estuary region known as the Ethir.    The wide and wandering delta of the River Anduin, where it flowed out into the Bay of Belfalas …   J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth glossary

  • Mouths of Sirion —    Haven of the Exiles of Gondolin.    The delta of the River Sirion, where it flowed into the Bay of Balar.    After the destruction of the lands of Doriath and Gondolin, many of their people gathered here, and dwelt under the lordship of… …   J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth glossary

  • Telegraphs in Negative/Mouths Trapped in Static — Infobox Album | Name = Telegraphs in Negative/Mouths Trapped in Static Type = Double album Artist = Set Fire to Flames Background = Orange Released = April 8 2003 Recorded = July 2002 August 2002 Genre = Post rock Experimental music Length =… …   Wikipedia

  • The Molotov Mouths Outspoken Word Troupe — The Molotov Mouths Outspoken Word Troupeis a collective of politically engaged poets based mainly in the San Francisco Bay Area. Founded in 2001 by George Tirado, James Tracy and Ananda Esteva; they became known for topical yet powerful poetry… …   Wikipedia

  • out of the mouths of babes — Young children may speak disconcertingly wisely or aptly at times. The proverb is used in a variety of abbreviated and allusive forms, often without a knowledge of the complete biblical quotations (both AV): PSALMS viii. 2 Out of the mouth of… …   Proverbs new dictionary

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