
  • 91Capital punishment in the United States — This article is about capital punishment in the U.S. as a general overview. For the federal government s capital punishment laws, see Capital punishment by the United States federal government. Part of a series on Capital punishment …


  • 92Use of capital punishment by country — The following is a summary of the use of capital punishment by country. Contents 1 Capital Punishment In The World 2 Africa 3 The Americas 4 Asia Pacific …


  • 93Capital punishment — Death penalty and Death sentence redirect here. For other uses, see Death penalty (disambiguation) and Death sentence (disambiguation). Execution and Execute redirect here. For other uses, see Execution (disambiguation) and Execute… …


  • 94Stillhalteabkommen — Ein Moratorium (Stillhalteabkommen) ist in der Wirtschaft ein Veräußerungs und Zahlungsverbot das von einer entsprechend befugten Partei gegenüber einer anderen Institution angeordnet bzw. eine freiwillig getroffene Vereinbarung zwischen… …

    Deutsch Wikipedia

  • 95Capital punishment in Russia — Both the legal and moral status of Capital punishment in Russia are currently controversial. There exists both an implicit moratorium established by the President and an explicit one, established by the nation s highest court; however, the latter …


  • 96Sam Brown (activist) — Sam W. Brown, Jr. is a politician and political activist.Early Life and EducationSam W. Brown, Jr. was born July 27, 1943 in Council Bluffs, Iowa. After graduating from High School in Council Bluffs, Brown attended the University of Redlands in… …


  • 97Agriculture and Food Supplies — ▪ 2007 Introduction Bird flu reached Europe and Africa, and concerns over BSE continued to disrupt trade in beef. An international vault for seeds was under construction on an Arctic island. Stocks of important food fish species were reported… …


  • 98Direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians (2010-2011) — Benjamin Netanyahu, Mahmoud Abbas, George J. Mitchell and Hillary Clinton at the start of direct talks on September 2, 2010. Direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian National Authority have been taking place since September 2010,… …


  • 99Cod fisheries — Atlantic cod Pacific cod Cod f …


  • 100Whaling — Eighteenth century engraving showing Dutch whalers hunting bowhead whales in the Arctic …
