lecture (noun)

  • 101deliverance — noun 1) their deliverance from prison Syn: liberation, release, delivery, discharge, rescue, emancipation; salvation; informal bailout 2) the tone he adopted for such deliverances Syn: utterance, statement, announcement …

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  • 102expansion — noun 1) expansion and contraction of blood vessels Syn: enlargement, increase in size, swelling, dilation; lengthening, elongation, stretching, thickening Ant: contraction 2) the expansion of the company Syn …

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  • 103homily — noun a guest preacher delivered today s homily Syn: sermon, lecture, discourse, address, lesson, talk, speech, oration …

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  • 104lesson — noun 1) a math lesson Syn: class, session, seminar, tutorial, lecture, period, period of instruction/teaching 2) (lessons) they should be industrious at their lessons Syn: exercises …

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  • 105monologue — noun Letterman s nightly monologue Syn: soliloquy, speech, address, lecture, sermon, homily; formal oration …

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  • 106oration — noun an oration given in memory of McKinley Syn: speech, address, lecture, talk, homily, sermon, discourse, declamation, valedictory, salutatory; informal spiel; rare allocution …

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  • 107philippic — noun, literary no publisher wanted to touch his scathing philippic Syn: tirade, diatribe, harangue, lecture, attack, onslaught, denunciation, rant, polemic, broadside, fulmination, condemnation, criticism, censure; informal blast …

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  • 108presentation — noun 1) the presentation of his certificate Syn: awarding, presenting, giving, handing over/out, bestowal, granting, award 2) the presentation of food Syn: appearance, arrangement, packaging, disposition …

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  • 109scolding — noun I ll be in Mr. Kling s office getting my weekly scolding Syn: rebuke, reprimand, reproach, reproof, admonishment, remonstration, lecture, upbraiding; informal talking to, rap over the knuckles, dressing down, earful, roasting; formal… …

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  • 110sermon — noun 1) he preached a sermon Syn: homily, address, speech, talk, discourse, oration; lesson 2) her mother gave her a sermon on personal hygiene Syn: lecture, tirade, harangue, diatribe; …

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