law enforcement (noun)

  • 51District Attorney — n: the prosecuting officer of a judicial district see also state s attorney Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. district attorney …

    Law dictionary

  • 52interrogation — I noun careen izati on, cross examination, examination, exploration, formal questioning, grilling, inquest, inquiry, inquisition, inspection, interrogate, investigation, percontatio, probe, quaestio, query, questioning, scrutiny, search, taking… …

    Law dictionary

  • 53surveillance — I noun care, charge, circumspection, examination, guard, heed, inspection, lookout, observation, oversight, protection, scrutiny, stewardship, superintendence, supervision, vigil, vigilance, watch, watchfulness II index bondage, contemplation,… …

    Law dictionary

  • 54conversion — con·ver·sion /kən vər zhən/ n 1 a: the act of changing from one form or use to another b: the act of exchanging one kind of property for another; esp: the act of exchanging preferred stocks or bonds for shares of common stock of the same company… …

    Law dictionary

  • 55custody — cus·to·dy n [Latin custodia, from custod custos guardian]: care or control exercised by a person or authority over something or someone: as a: supervision and control over property that usu. includes liability for damage that may occur b: care… …

    Law dictionary

  • 56prosecution — pros·e·cu·tion /ˌprä si kyü shən/ n 1: the act or process of prosecuting; esp: the institution and carrying on of a criminal action involving the process of seeking formal charges against a person and pursuing those charges to final judgment 2:… …

    Law dictionary

  • 57citation — ci·ta·tion /sī tā shən/ n 1: a writ giving notice to a person to appear in court: as a: a process served upon an interested party in a probate proceeding b: a notice to a person that he or she is charged with a petty offense (as a traffic… …

    Law dictionary

  • 58agent — n 1: someone or something that acts or exerts power: a moving force in achieving some result 2: a person guided or instigated by another in some action where the heads of departments are the political...agent s of the executive, merely to execute …

    Law dictionary

  • 59fraud — n [Latin fraud fraus] 1 a: any act, expression, omission, or concealment calculated to deceive another to his or her disadvantage; specif: a misrepresentation or concealment with reference to some fact material to a transaction that is made with… …

    Law dictionary

  • 60habeas corpus — habeas cor·pus / kȯr pəs, ˌpu̇s/ n [Medieval Latin, literally, you should have the body (the opening words of the writ)]: any of several writs originating at common law that are issued to bring a party before the court; esp: habeas corpus ad… …

    Law dictionary