
  • 61master keyed —   adj.    1. of or pertaining to a cylinder or group of cylinders which are or are to be combinated so that all may be operated by their own change key(s) and by additional key(s) known as master key(s)    2. a warded lock whose warding has been… …

    Locksmith dictionary

  • 62master keyed only —   adj.    of or pertaining to a lock or cylinder which is or is to be combinated only to a master key …

    Locksmith dictionary

  • 63non-keyed —   adj.    having no provision for key operation Note: This term also includes privacy function locksets operated by an emergency key …

    Locksmith dictionary

  • 64color-keyed — See color coded …

    Dictionary of automotive terms

  • 65HMAC — Keyed Hash Message Authentication Code Un HMAC, de l anglais keyed hash message authentication code (code d authentification d une empreinte cryptographique de message avec clé), est un type de code d authentification de message (CAM), ou MAC en… …

    Wikipédia en Français

  • 66HMAC — keyed Hashing for Message Authentication (RFC2104) …


  • 67KSAM — Keyed Sequential Access Method …


  • 68HMAC — keyed Hashing for Message Authentication (RFC2104) …

    Acronyms von A bis Z

  • 69KSAM — Keyed Sequential Access Method …

    Acronyms von A bis Z

  • 70PostScript fonts — are outline font specifications developed by Adobe Systems for professional digital typesetting, which uses PostScript file format to encode font information. Contents 1 History 2 Technology 3 Font type …
