
  • 41κερατο(ειδο)μαλακία — η ιατρ. μαλάκυνση τού κερατοειδούς χιτώνα τού οφθαλμού. [ΕΤΥΜΟΛ. Αντιδάνεια λ., πρβλ. αγγλ. keratomalacia < kerato (πρβλ. κέρας, τος) + malacia (πρβλ. μαλακία] …

    Dictionary of Greek

  • 42КЕРАТОМАЛЯЦИЯ — (от греч. Keras рог и malacos мягкий), очень тяжелое заболевание роговицы, поражающее обычно оба глаза, главн. образом у очень маленьких детей, страдающих резким упадком питания и сильно истощенных обильными поносами или перенесенными общими б… …

    Большая медицинская энциклопедия

  • 43-malacia — 1) abnormal softening of a part, organ, or tissue, such as bone (see osteomalacia). n. 2) combining form denoting abnormal softening of a tissue. keratomalacia of the cornea …

    The new mediacal dictionary

  • 44night blindness — the inability to see in dim light or at night. It is due to a disorder of the cells in the retina that are responsible for vision in dim light (see rod), and can result from dietary deficiency of vitamin A. If the vitamin deficiency is allowed to …

    The new mediacal dictionary

  • 45vitamin A — retinol a fat soluble vitamin that occurs preformed in foods of animal origin (especially milk products, egg yolk, and liver) and is formed in the body from the pigment β carotene, present in some vegetable foods (for example cabbage, lettuce,… …

    The new mediacal dictionary

  • 46xerophthalmia — n. a progressive nutritional disease of the eye due to deficiency of vitamin A. The cornea and conjunctiva become dry, thickened, and wrinkled. This may progress to keratomalacia and eventual blindness …

    The new mediacal dictionary