
  • 21Маляция (-Malacia) — суффикс, обозначающий аномальное размягчение какой либо ткани. Например: кератомаляция (keratomalacia) размягчение роговицы глаза. Источник: Медицинский словарь …

    Медицинские термины

  • 22CIE-10 Capítulo IV: Enfermedades endocrinas — Anexo:CIE 10 Capítulo IV: Enfermedades endocrinas, nutricionales y metabólicas Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Enfermedades endocrinoas, nutricionales y metabólicas es el cuarto capítulo de la lista de códigos CIE 10. Enfermedades endocrinas (E00… …

    Wikipedia Español

  • 23xerophthalmia — noun A condition due to a deficiency of vitamin A where the conjunctiva and cornea become dry. The condition starts with conjunctival xerosis and night blindness and progresses to corneal xerosis and, later, a severe condition called… …


  • 24Night blindness — Impaired vision in dim light and in the dark, due to impaired function of specific vision cells (namely, the rods) in the retina. The ability of our eyes to quickly view objects as they shift from light to dark areas and the ability to see in dim …

    Medical dictionary

  • 25Vitamin A — is retinol. Carotene compounds (found, for example, in egg yolk, butter and cream) are gradually converted by the body to vitamin A (retinol). A form of vitamin A called retinal is responsible for transmitting light sensation in the retina of the …

    Medical dictionary

  • 26keratitis — Inflammation of the cornea. SEE ALSO: keratopathy. [kerato + G. itis, inflammation] actinic k. a reaction of the cornea to ultraviolet light. deep punctate k. sharply defined opacities in a …

    Medical dictionary

  • 27queratomalacia — Eng. Keratomalacia Alteración corneal consistente en sequedad, ulceración y perforación de la córnea sin proceso inflamatorio …

    Diccionario de oftalmología

  • 28-malacia — suffix denoting abnormal softening of a tissue. Example: keratomalacia (of the cornea). * * * a word termination denoting abnormal softness or softening in the system designated by the root to which the term is affixed, as osteomalacia …

    Medical dictionary

  • 29xerotic keratitis — dryness of the cornea, usually preceding keratomalacia …

    Medical dictionary

  • 30xerosis conjunctivae — conjunctival xerosis dryness of the conjunctiva. When associated with Bitot spots, it is due to vitamin A deficiency and may progress to xerophthalmia and keratomalacia …

    Medical dictionary