irritate (verb)

  • 61frustrate — verb 1) his plans were frustrated Syn: thwart, defeat, foil, block, stop, put a stop to, counter, spoil, check, balk, disappoint, forestall, dash, scotch, quash, crush, derail, snooker …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 62get — verb 1) where did you get that hat? Syn: acquire, obtain, come by, receive, gain, earn, win, come into, take possession of, be given; buy, purchase, procure, secure; gather, collect, pick up …

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  • 63grate — verb 1) she grated the cheese Syn: shred, pulverize, mince, grind, granulate, crush, crumble 2) her bones grated together Syn: grind, rub, rasp, scrape, jar …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 64infuriate — verb the governor s veto is likely to infuriate child care providers statewide Syn: enrage, incense, anger, inflame; exasperate, antagonize, provoke, rile, annoy, irritate, aggravate, madden, nettle, gall, irk, vex, get on someone s nerves, try… …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 65irk — verb clearly, the prosecutor s opening questions irked him Syn: irritate, annoy, gall, pique, nettle, exasperate, try someone s patience; anger, infuriate, madden, incense, get on someone s nerves; antagonize, provoke; informal get someone s… …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 66madden — verb 1) what maddens people most is his vagueness Syn: infuriate, exasperate, irritate; incense, anger, enrage, provoke, upset, agitate, vex, irk, make someone s hackles rise, make someone see red; informal aggravate, make someone s blood boil,… …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 67nettle — verb I try not to be nettled by her, but it isn t easy Syn: irritate, annoy, irk, gall, vex, anger, exasperate, infuriate, provoke; upset, displease, offend, affront, pique, get on someone s nerves, try someone s patience, ruffle someone s… …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 68offend — verb 1) I m sorry if I offended him Syn: hurt someone s feelings, give offense to, affront, displease, upset, distress, hurt, wound; annoy, anger, exasperate, irritate, vex, pique, gall, irk, nettle …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 69peeve — verb, informal it seems that everything I do peeves her Syn: irritate, annoy, vex, anger, exasperate, irk, gall, pique, nettle, put out, get on someone s nerves, try someone s patience, ruffle someone s feathers; rub the wrong way; informal… …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 70provoke — verb 1) the plan has provoked outrage Syn: arouse, produce, evoke, cause, give rise to, occasion, call forth, elicit, induce, excite, spark off, touch off, kindle, generate, engender, instigate, result in …

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