invest (verb)

  • 71endow — verb 1) the CEO endowed a hospital for sick kids Syn: finance, fund, pay for, provide for, subsidize, support financially, put up the money for; establish, found, set up, institute 2) nature endowed fish with gills Syn …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 72entrust — verb 1) he was entrusted with the task Syn: charge, invest, endow; burden, encumber, saddle 2) the powers entrusted to the treasury department Syn: assign to, confer on, bestow on, vest in, consign …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 73imbue — verb the painting has become deeply imbued with the idea of Basque separatism Syn: permeate, saturate, diffuse, suffuse, pervade, bathe, drench, steep; impregnate, inject, inculcate, ingrain, instill, invest, inspire, breathe; fill …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 74inaugurate — verb 1) he inaugurated a new trade policy Syn: initiate, begin, start, commence, institute, launch, start off, get going, get underway, set in motion, get off the ground, establish, found, lay the foundations of; bring in, usher in …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 75install — verb 1) a photocopier was installed in the office Syn: put, position, place, locate, situate, station, site, lodge; insert Ant: remove 2) the college installs its new president this afternoon …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 76ordain — verb 1) the Church voted to ordain women Syn: confer holy orders on, appoint, anoint, consecrate, install, invest, induct 2) the path ordained by fate Syn: predetermine, predestine, preordain, destine …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 77speculate — verb 1) they speculated about my private life Syn: conjecture, theorize, hypothesize, guess, surmise; think, wonder, muse 2) investors speculate on the stock market Syn: gamble on, take a risk on, v …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 78subsidize — verb they have agreed to subsidize the after school program Syn: give money to, pay a subsidy to, contribute to, invest in, sponsor, support, fund, finance, underwrite; informal shell out for, fork out for, cough up for; bankroll …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 79vest — verb executive power is vested in the president Syn: confer on, entrust to, invest in, bestow on, grant to, give to, put in the hands of; endow in, lodge in, lay on, place on …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 80inaugurate — verb 1) he inaugurated a new policy Syn: initiate, begin, start, institute, launch, get going, get under way, establish, bring in, usher in; informal kick off 2) the new President will be inaugurated Syn …

    Synonyms and antonyms dictionary