ill-humored es

  • 121astringent — adj 1.Medical. astrictive, contracting, contractive, constrictive, constricting, constringent, styptic, binding. 2. severe, stern, rough, harsh, acerb, acerbic, austere, Obs. asper, acid, stringent; acrid, acrimonious, caustic, mordant, bitter,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 122choleric — adj irascible, quick tempered, short tempered, Inf. short fused; testy, crusty, fractious, touchy, thin skinned, edgy, on edge, Sl. uptight, huffy, peppery; splenetic, spleenful, bilious, atrabilious, cranky, ill humored, ill tempered, Australian …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 123crabbed — adj 1. grouchy, ill natured, ill humored, cross, peevish, splenetic, cantankerous, crotchety, crusty; irritable, touchy, testy, out of sorts; bitter, sour, caustic, churlish, snappish, waspish, surly, acrimonious; petulant, sulky, sullen, morose …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 124disagreeable — adj 1. unpleasant, unpleasing, displeasing, distasteful; nauseating, nauseous, sickening, unpalatable, unsavory; disgusting, noisome, Sl. yukky, Sl. gross; repugnant, offensive, obnoxious, shocking, nasty; repulsive, repelling, repellent,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 125fractious — adj 1. peevish, irritable, testy, captious, snappish, quarrelsome, pettish, waspish, touchy; out of sorts, crabbed, grouchy, ill natured, ill humored, cross, splenetic; churlish, acrimonious, bitter, sour, caustic; petulant, sulky, sullen, morose …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 126fretful — adj 1. worrisome, anxious, uneasy, apprehensive; querulous, complaining, grumbling, captious, whiny, fussy, dissatisfied, discontent. 2. irritable, petulant, irascible, choleric, peppery, splenetic, splenetical, surly, ill natured; peevish,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 127gloomy — adj 1. dark, dusky, shadowy, dim, shaded, darksome, dark as pitch, black; murky, inky, pitchy, somber, dull, swarth, swarthy; sunless, dingy, shady, unilluminated. 2. dismal, melancholy, dispirited, cheerless, glum, dour, lugubrious; grim,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 128gruff — adj 1. low, harsh, hoarse, coarse, gutteral, throaty, husky, roupy; raucous, grating, cracked, strident, ragged, thick, hollow. 2. surly, sullen, sulky, ill humored, ill tempered; churlish, bearish, boorish, crusty; grumpy, grouchy, snarling,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder