
  • 111Cyrrhus — For the city in ancient Macedon, see Kyrros. Cyrrhus, or Kyrros (Greek: Κύρρος) was a city in ancient Syria founded by Seleucus Nicator, one of Alexander the Great s generals. Other names for the city include Hagioupolis, Nebi Huri نبي حوري,… …


  • 112Religious restrictions on the consumption of pork — exist in both the Muslim and Jewish dietary laws, making it a taboo meat. Both Orthodox Jewish (Kashrut) and Islamic halal dietary laws forbid pork, making it a taboo meat. Among Christians, Seventh day Adventists consider pork taboo, along with… …


  • 113Lucius Flavius Silva — was a late 1st century Roman general, governor of the province of Iudaea and consul. History remembers Silva as the Roman commander who led his army, composed mainly of the Legio X Fretensis , in 73 AD up to Masada and laid siege to its near… …


  • 114Legio VI Ferrata — ( Ironclad ) was a Roman legion. Ferrata was not the only name that Legion VI was called, it was also known as Fidelas Constans , meaning Loyal and Steady. Although it is unclear when this title was given but several sources indicate that it may… …


  • 115Jotapata — (also Yodfat, Yodefat, Tel Yodfat, Iotapata, Jodeptah, Yotvah, Tell Jafat, Yotapatha, or Jotbah) was an ancient fortified Jewish village in the Galilee, north of Sepphoris, Israel, mostly known for the bloody and ruthless battle in the year 67,… …


  • 116Legio X — was the name of several Roman legions. It may refer to: * Crassus Legio X destroyed at Carrhae * Julius Caesar s Legio X Equestris , also known as X Veneria ; * Augustus s Legio X Gemina , which resulted of the amalgation of the X Equestris with… …


  • 117Lucilius Bassus — was a Roman legatus appointed by Emperor Vespasian to the Iudaea Province in 71 AD. Assigned to finish off the last remnants of the Great Jewish Revolt in the province, he led the legion Legio X Fretensis, destroying the Jewish strongholds… …


  • 118СВИТКИ МЕРТВОГО МОРЯ — В начале 1947 двое юношей пастухов из племени таамире пасли коз в пустынной местности, называемой Вади Кумран (Западный берег Иордана), на северо западном берегу Мертвого моря в 20 км к востоку от Иерусалима. Их внимание привлекло отверстие в… …

    Энциклопедия Кольера

  • 11915. April — Der 15. April ist der 105. Tag des Gregorianischen Kalenders (der 106. in Schaltjahren), somit verbleiben noch 260 Tage bis zum Jahresende. Historische Jahrestage März · April · Mai 1 2 …

    Deutsch Wikipedia

  • 12071 — Portal Geschichte | Portal Biografien | Aktuelle Ereignisse | Jahreskalender ◄ | 1. Jahrhundert v. Chr. | 1. Jahrhundert | 2. Jahrhundert | ► ◄ | 40er | 50er | 60er | 70er | 80er | 90er | 100er | ► ◄◄ | ◄ | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 …

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