fluid heat reservoir

  • 1Heat transfer — is a discipline of thermal engineering that concerns the exchange of thermal energy from one physical system to another. Heat transfer is classified into various mechanisms, such as heat conduction, convection, thermal radiation, and phase change …


  • 2Reservoir simulation — is an area of reservoir engineering in which computer models are used to predict the flow of fluids (typically, oil, water, and gas) through porous media.UsesReservoir simulation models are used by oil and gas companies in the development of new… …


  • 3Heat pipe — A heat pipe is a heat transfer mechanism that can transport large quantities of heat with a very small difference in temperature between the hotter and colder interfaces. Inside a heat pipe, at the hot interface a fluid turns to vapour and the… …


  • 4Heat pump — A heat pump is a machine or device that moves heat from one location (the source ) to another location (the sink or heat sink ), using work. Most heat pump technology moves heat from a low temperature heat source to a higher temperature heat sink …


  • 5Heat engine — Thermodynamics …


  • 6heat pump — noun apparatus that extracts heat from a liquid that is at a higher temperature than its surroundings; can be used to transfer heat from a reservoir outside in order to heat a building • Hypernyms: ↑apparatus, ↑setup * * * noun : a device for… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 7Drilling fluid — This article is about fluids used when drilling a well. For fluids used with drill bits during metal working, see cutting fluid. Driller pouring a foaming agent down the rod string on a drilling rig In geotechnical engineering, drilling fluid is… …


  • 8Convective heat transfer — See also: Heat transfer and convection This figure shows a calculation for thermal convection. Colors closer to red are hot areas and colors closer to blue are cold areas. In this figure, a hot, less dense lower boundary layer sends plumes… …


  • 9Geothermal heat pump — A geothermal heat pump system is a heating and/or an air conditioning system that uses the Earth s ability to store heat in the ground and water thermal masses. These systems operate based on the stability of underground temperatures: the ground… …


  • 10Cutting fluid — Thin wall milling of aluminum using a water based cutting fluid on the milling cutter. Cutting fluid is a type of coolant and lubricant designed specifically for metalworking and machining processes. There are various kinds of cutting fluids,… …
