
  • 81bowl someone over — 1) the explosion bowled us over Syn: knock down/over, fell, floor, prostrate 2) informal I have been bowled over by your generosity Syn: overwhelm, astound, astonish, overawe, awe, dumbfound, stagger …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 82confound — verb 1) the figures confounded analysts Syn: amaze, astonish, dumbfound, stagger, surprise, startle, stun, throw, shake, discompose, bewilder, bedazzle, baffle, mystify, bemuse, perplex, puzzle …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 83daze — 1. verb 1) he was dazed by his fall Syn: stun, stupefy; knock unconscious, knock out; informal knock the stuffing out of 2) she was dazed by the revelations Syn: astound, amaze, astonish, startle, dumbfound, stupefy …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 84dumbfound — verb she was dumbfounded by Bruce s actions Syn: astonish, astound, amaze, stagger, surprise, startle, stun, confound, stupefy, daze, take aback, stop someone in their tracks, strike dumb, leave open mouthed, leave aghast; informal flabbergast,… …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 85knock someone out — 1) I hit him and knocked him out Syn: knock unconscious, knock senseless; floor, prostrate, put out cold, KO, kayo 2) in the second match, Canada was knocked out Syn: eliminate, beat, defeat, vanquish …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 86stagger — verb 1) he staggered to the door Syn: lurch, walk unsteadily, reel, sway, teeter, totter, stumble, wobble 2) I was absolutely staggered Syn: amaze, astound, astonish, surprise …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 87stun — verb 1) a glancing blow stunned Gary Syn: daze, stupefy, knock unconscious, knock out, lay out 2) she was stunned by the news Syn: astound, amaze, astonish, dumbfound, stupefy, stagger …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 88stupefy — verb 1) the blow had stupefied her Syn: stun, daze, knock unconscious, knock out, lay out 2) they were stupefied from the wine Syn: drug, sedate, tranquilize, intoxicate, inebriate; informal dope 3) …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 89surprise — 1. noun 1) Kate looked at me in surprise Syn: astonishment, amazement, wonder, incredulity, bewilderment, stupefaction, disbelief 2) the test came as a big surprise Syn: shock, bolt from the blue, bombshell, r …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 90take someone's breath away — his solo on the sax took our breath away Syn: astonish, astound, amaze, stun, startle, stagger, shock, take aback, dumbfound, jolt, shake up; awe, overawe, thrill, flabbergast, blow away, bowl over, stop someone in their tracks, leave …

    Thesaurus of popular words