figurative sense

  • 91base — {{11}}base (adj.) late 14c., low, of little height, from O.Fr. bas low, lowly, mean, from L.L. bassus thick, stumpy, low (used only as a cognomen in classical Latin, humilis being there the usual word for low in stature or position ), possibly… …

    Etymology dictionary

  • 92card — {{11}}card (n.) c.1400, from M.Fr. carte (14c.), from L. charta leaf of paper, tablet, from Gk. khartes layer of papyrus, probably from Egyptian. Form influenced after 14c. by It. carta (see CHART (Cf. chart)). Sense of playing cards is oldest in …

    Etymology dictionary

  • 93end — O.E. ende end, conclusion, boundary, district, species, class, from P.Gmc. *andja (Cf. O.Fris. enda, O.Du. ende, Du. einde, O.N. endir end; O.H.G. enti top, forehead, end, Ger. ende, Goth. andeis end ), originally the opposite side, from P …

    Etymology dictionary

  • 94fair — {{11}}fair (adj.) O.E. fæger beautiful, lovely, pleasant, from P.Gmc. *fagraz (Cf. O.S.fagar, O.N. fagr, O.H.G. fagar beautiful, Goth. fagrs fit ), perhaps from PIE *pek to make pretty (Cf. Lith. puoЕЎiu I decorate ). The meaning in reference to… …

    Etymology dictionary

  • 95fast — {{11}}fast (adj.) O.E. fæst firmly fixed, steadfast, secure, enclosed, probably from P.Gmc. *fastuz (Cf. O.Fris. fest, O.N. fastr, Du. vast, Ger. fest), from PIE root *past firm (Cf. Skt. pastyam dwelling place ). The adverb meaning quickly,… …

    Etymology dictionary

  • 96frame — {{11}}frame (n.) c.1200, profit, benefit; mid 13c. composition, plan, from FRAME (Cf. frame) (v.) and from Scandinavian (Cf. O.N. frami advancement ). In late 14c. it also meant the rack. Meaning building is from early 15c.; that of border or… …

    Etymology dictionary

  • 97hedge — {{11}}hedge (n.) O.E. hecg, originally any fence, living or artificial, from W.Gmc. *khagja (Cf. M.Du. hegge, Du. heg, O.H.G. hegga, Ger. Hecke hedge ), from PIE *kagh to catch, seize; wickerwork, fence (Cf. L. caulae a sheepfold, enclosure, Gaul …

    Etymology dictionary

  • 98hot — O.E. hat hot, flaming, opposite of cold, also fervent, fierce, intense, excited, from P.Gmc. *haita (Cf. O.S., O.Fris. het, O.N. heitr, M.Du., Du. heet, Ger. heiß hot, Goth. heito heat of a fever ), from PIE root *kai heat (Cf. Lith …

    Etymology dictionary

  • 99miss — {{11}}miss (n.1) late 12c., loss, lack; c. 1200, regret occasioned by loss or absence, from O.E. miss absence, loss, from source of missan to miss (see MISS (Cf. miss) (v.)). Meaning an act or fact of missing; a being without is from late 15c.;… …

    Etymology dictionary

  • 100press — {{11}}press (n.) c.1300, crowd, multitude, from O.Fr. presse (11c.), from L. pressare (see PRESS (Cf. press) (v.1)). Meaning device for squeezing (cloth, grapes, olives, etc.) is recorded from late 14c., from M.Fr. presse. Specific sense machine… …

    Etymology dictionary