fasciolar gyrus

  • 1gyrus fasciolaris — [TA] fasciolar gyrus: a posterior and upward extension of the dentate gyrus, forming a transitional area between the dentate gyrus and the indusium griseum; called also fasciola cinerea …

    Medical dictionary

  • 2gyrus — One of the prominent rounded elevations that form the cerebral hemispheres, each consisting of an exposed superficial portion and a portion hidden from view in the wall and floor of the sulcus. [L. fr. G. gyros, circle] angular g. [TA] a folded… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 3fasciolar — Relating to the gyrus fasciolaris. * * * fas·ci·o·lar lər adj of or relating to a fasciola …

    Medical dictionary

  • 4lobe — 1. One of the subdivisions of an organ or other part, bounded by fissures, sulci, connective tissue septa, or other structural demarcations. 2. A rounded projecting part, as the l. of the ear. SEE ALSO: lobule. 3. One of the larger divisions of… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 5indusium — 1. A membranous layer or covering. 2. The amnion. [L. a woman s undergarment, fr. induo, to put on] i. griseum [TA] a thin layer of gray matter on the dorsal surface of the corpus callosum in which the medial and …

    Medical dictionary

  • 6Fascia — A flat band of tissue below the skin that covers underlying tissues and separates different layers of tissue. Fascia encloses muscles. Inflammation of the fascia is referred to as fasciitis. Fascia is the Latin word for band or bandage. * * * A… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 7Brodmann area 26 — is the name for a small part of the brain.HumanIn the human this area is called ectosplenial area 26. It is a cytoarchitecturally defined portion of the retrosplenial region of the cerebral cortex. It is a narrow band located in the isthmus of… …


  • 8fasciola — A small band or group of fibers. [L. dim. of fascia, band, fillet] f. cinerea SYN: fasciolar gyrus. * * * fas·ci·o·la fə sē ə lə, sī n 1) pl lae .lē …

    Medical dictionary