f min

  • 121min´er|al|i|za´tion — min|er|al|ize «MIHN uhr uh lyz, MIHN ruh », verb, ized, iz|ing. –v.t. 1. to convert into mineral substance; transform (metal) into an ore. 2. to impregnate or supply with a mineral substance or substances. –v.i. to search for minerals.… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 122min|er|al|ize — «MIHN uhr uh lyz, MIHN ruh », verb, ized, iz|ing. –v.t. 1. to convert into mineral substance; transform (metal) into an ore. 2. to impregnate or supply with a mineral substance or substances. –v.i. to search for minerals. –min´er|al|i|za´tion,… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 123min´gler — min|gle «MIHNG guhl», verb, gled, gling. –v.t. 1. to combine in a mixture; mix; blend: »Two rivers that join mingle their waters. SYNONYM(S): fuse. 2. to bring together or associate; unite or join in company: »Their families are mingled by… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 124min´gle|ment — min|gle «MIHNG guhl», verb, gled, gling. –v.t. 1. to combine in a mixture; mix; blend: »Two rivers that join mingle their waters. SYNONYM(S): fuse. 2. to bring together or associate; unite or join in company: »Their families are mingled by… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 125min|gle — «MIHNG guhl», verb, gled, gling. –v.t. 1. to combine in a mixture; mix; blend: »Two rivers that join mingle their waters. SYNONYM(S): fuse. 2. to bring together or associate; unite or join in company: »Their families are mingled by marriage …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 126min´i|a|tur|iz´er — min|i|a|tur|ize «mihnee uh chuh ryz, MIHN uh chuh », transitive verb, ized, iz|ing. to reduce to a very small size, especially as an improved replacement for a much larger type: »The technological skills that produced miniature radios and… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 127min´i|a|tur|i|za´tion — min|i|a|tur|ize «mihnee uh chuh ryz, MIHN uh chuh », transitive verb, ized, iz|ing. to reduce to a very small size, especially as an improved replacement for a much larger type: »The technological skills that produced miniature radios and… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 128min|i|a|tur|ize — «mihnee uh chuh ryz, MIHN uh chuh », transitive verb, ized, iz|ing. to reduce to a very small size, especially as an improved replacement for a much larger type: »The technological skills that produced miniature radios and computers…should be… …

    Useful english dictionary