export service(s)s

  • 61International Women's Peace Service — Der International Women s Peace Service (Internationaler Frauen Friedens Dienst) wurde 2002 von Angie Zelter gegründet. Ziel der Organisation ist es, sich um Frieden in Palästina zu bemühen. Der Sitz des IWPS liegt in Hares, einem Dorf in der… …

    Deutsch Wikipedia

  • 62International Women’s Peace Service — Der International Women’s Peace Service (Internationaler Frauen Friedens Dienst) wurde 2002 von Angie Zelter gegründet. Ziel der Organisation ist es, sich um Frieden in Palästina zu bemühen. Der Sitz des IWPS liegt in Hares, einem Dorf in der… …

    Deutsch Wikipedia

  • 63Debt-Service Coverage Ratio - DSCR — In corporate finance, it is the amount of cash flow available to meet annual interest and principal payments on debt, including sinking fund payments. In government finance, it is the amount of export earnings needed to meet annual interest and… …

    Investment dictionary

  • 64debt service ratio — DSR The proportion of annual export earnings needed to service a country s external debts, including both interest payments and repayment of principal. The DSR is an important statistic, indicating the severity of a country s indebtedness. The… …

    Big dictionary of business and management

  • 65List of limited service World War II combat vehicles — This is a listing of vehicles that did not contribute greatly to the war effort. They were of either limited make, or reserved strictly for specialised purposes.Australia*Dingo Scout Car (245) *Rover Light Armoured Car (238) *Australian Cruiser… …


  • 66invisible export —   the sale of a service to a customer overseas, particularly of financial products such as banking and insurance …

    Geography glossary

  • 67invisible export — /ɪnˌvɪzəbəl ˈɛkspɔt/ (say in.vizuhbuhl ekspawt) noun a service, as the provision of banking commissions, insurance premiums, freight charges, etc., which earn foreign currency for the country providing them …

  • 68One World Yellow Pages — (One World), is a business to business yellow pages directory published by Global Publishers that was launched in April 2008 to provide companies and service providers an opportunity to search, connect, and transact with business partners and… …


  • 69USS Siboney (ID-2999) — was a transport ship for the United States Navy during World War I. She was the sister ship of ] By 1939, Siboney , still on the New York–Cuba–Mexico route, sported a new paint scheme of dove grey hull and black funnels with white markings to… …


  • 70Harel Mallac Group — Infobox Company company name = Harel Mallac Co. Ltd company vector company type = Limited liability company genre = foundation = 1862 founder = location = 18 Edith Cavell Street, Port Louis, Mauritius origins = key people = Antoine L. Harel… …
