empathy (noun)

  • 31affinity — noun 1) her affinity with animals and birds an affinity for opera Syn: empathy for, rapport with, sympathy for, accord with, harmony with, relationship with, bond with, fellow feeling for, closeness with/to, understanding of/for; liking of/for,… …

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  • 32communion — noun 1) a sense of communion with others Syn: affinity, fellowship, kinship, friendship, fellow feeling, togetherness, closeness, harmony, understanding, rapport, connection, communication, empathy, accord, unity …

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  • 33compassion — noun have you no compassion for a fellow human being? Syn: pity, sympathy, empathy, fellow feeling, care, concern, solicitude, sensitivity, warmth, love, tenderness, mercy, leniency, tolerance, kindness, humanity, charity …

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  • 34consolation — noun I realize that mere words are of little consolation Syn: comfort, solace, sympathy, compassion, pity, commiseration, empathy; relief, help, support, moral support, encouragement, reassurance …

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  • 35heart — noun 1) my heart stopped beating Syn: informal ticker 2) he poured out his heart Syn: emotions, feelings, sentiments; soul; love, affection, passion 3) she has no heart Syn …

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  • 36identification — noun 1) the identification of the suspect Syn: recognition, singling out, pinpointing, naming; discerning, distinguishing; informal fingering 2) early identification of problems Syn: determination, establishment, ascertainment, discovery …

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  • 37kinship — noun 1) the value of kinship in society Syn: family ties, blood ties, common ancestry, consanguinity 2) she felt kinship with the others Syn: affinity, sympathy, rapport, harmony, understanding, empathy, closeness …

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  • 38rapport — noun board members fired him for failing to maintain good rapport with the trustees Syn: affinity, close relationship, understanding, mutual understanding, bond, empathy, sympathy, accord …

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  • 39sensibility — noun 1) develop your sensibility Syn: sensitivity, finer feelings, delicacy, taste, discrimination, discernment; understanding, insight, empathy, appreciation; feeling, intuition, responsiveness, receptiveness, perceptiveness, awareness …

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  • 40sensitivity — noun 1) the sensitivity of the skin Syn: responsiveness, sensitiveness, reactivity; susceptibility, vulnerability 2) the job calls for sensitivity Syn: consideration, care, thoughtfulness, tact, diplomacy, delicacy …

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