
  • 111drinker — n 1. imbiber, bibber, bibbler, Obs., Rare. biberon, tippler, quaffer, social drinker. 2. drunkard, drunk, inebriate, sot, soak, tosspot, toper, barfly; alcoholic, chronic alcoholic or drunk, dipsomaniac; hard drinker, serious drinker, problem… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 112drunk — adj 1. intoxicated, inebriated, inebriate, inebrious, bibacious, crapulent, crapulous; drunken, sodden, besotted, sotted, sottish, awash, Literary. in one s cups; under the weather; saturated, soused, full, Scot. fou; tipsy, grogged, Archaic.… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 113drunkard — n drunk, inebriate, sot, soak, tosspot, toper, bibber, bibbler, Obs., Rare. biberon, barfly; alcoholic, chronic alcoholic or drunk, dipsomaniac; drinker, hard drinker, serious drinker, problem drinker; All Inf. guzzler, swiller, soaker, sponge,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 114inebriate — v 1. intoxicate, besot, make drunk, Inf. light up, Inf. put under the table; stupefy, addle, fuddle, befuddle, muddle; All Sl. plaster, pollute, souse, stew, crock, swack, pickle, stone, sozzle, booze up, liquor up, likker up. 2. exhilarate,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 115lunatic — n 1. madman, Sl. loony, maniac, bedlam ite, Inf. crackpot, Sl. kook, Sl. nut, Sl. screwball; psychotic, Sl. sickie, psychopath, schizophrenic, Sl. schizo; paranoiac, Psychiatry. manic depressive; Psychiatry. megalomaniac, pyromaniac, Psychol.… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 116lush — I adj 1. fresh, succulent, juicy, sappy, moist, watery; pulpy, fleshy, soft, spongy. 2. luxuriant, luxurious, dense, thick, overgrown, overrun; jungly, jungled, tropical; flourishing, ver dured, verdurous, verdant, green; superabundant, exuberant …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 117madman — n 1. lunatic, Sl. loony, maniac, bedlamite, Inf. crackpot, Sl. kook, Sl. nut, Sl. screwball; psychopath, Sl. sickie; schizophrenic, Sl. schizo, paranoiac, manic depressive, psychotic; megalomaniac, pyromaniac, kleptomaniac, dipsomaniac,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 118maniac — n 1. madman, lunatic, Sl. loony, Inf. crackpot, Sl. kook, Sl. nut, Sl. screwball, bedlamite; psychotic, Sl. sickie, psychopath, schizophrenic, Sl. schizo; paranoiac, Psychiatry. manic depressive, Psychiatry. megalomaniac, pyromaniac, Psychol.… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 119sot — n drunkard, drunk, inebriate, soak, tosspot, toper, winebibber, bibber, bibbler, Obs., Rare. biberon, U.S. Inf. barfly; alcoholic, chronic alcoholic or drunk, dipsomaniac; drinker, hard drinker, serious drinker, problem drinker; tippler, guzzler …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 120stiff — adj 1. rigid, firm, unpliable, inflexible, unmalleable, unbending, unyielding, resistant; impervious, impenetrable, impregnable, repelling, unassailable, rugged; brittle, crisp, dried out, Inf. stiff as a board. 2.(all of a person or animal)… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder