composite cone

  • 1composite cone — noun : a volcanic cone composed of intermingled masses or alternate layers of lava and fragmental material …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 2composite cone —    (not preferred)    see stratovolcano …

    Glossary of landform and geologic terms

  • 3cone|flow|er — «KOHN FLOW uhr», noun. 1. any one of a genus of plants of the composite family, having showy flowers with a black or dark cone shaped center and orange yellow rays. 2. any one of various related plants …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 4composite volcano —   one in which the cone is made up of alternating layers of lavas and ashes …

    Geography glossary

  • 5Nose cone — For the Transformers character, see Nosecone (Transformers). A nose cone that contained one of the Voyager spacecraft, mounted on top of a Titan III/Centaur launch vehicle …


  • 6Volcan composite — Stratovolcan Le Mont Fuji au Japon …

    Wikipédia en Français

  • 7Chester Cone — Location of Byers Peninsula, Livingston Island in the South Shetland Islands. Chester Cone is the ice free peak rising to 188 m in the central part of Byers Peninsula, Livingston Island in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica surmounting Midge… …


  • 8Mount Garibaldi — as seen from Squamish Elevation 2,678 m (8,786 ft)  …


  • 9stratovolcano — ALASKA VOLCANO OBSERVATORY GLOSSARY also called a stratocone or composite cone A steep sided volcano, usually conical in shape, built of lava flows and fragmental deposits from explosive eruptions. GLOSSARY OF VOLCANIC TERMS A generally steep… …

    Glossary of volcanic terms

  • 10Tofua — Caldera, in Tonga, is the summit caldera of a steep sided composite cone that forms Tofua Island. Pre caldera activity is recorded by a sequence of pyroclastic deposits and lavas constituting the older cone, followed on the northern part of the… …
