clue (noun)

  • 31conception — noun 1) from conception until natural death Syn: inception of pregnancy, conceiving, fertilization, impregnation, insemination 2) the product s conception Syn: inception, genesis, origination, creation, invention; b …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 32idea — noun 1) the idea of death scares her Syn: concept, notion, conception, thought; image, visualization; hypothesis, postulation 2) our idea is to open a new shop Syn: plan, scheme, design …

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  • 33indication — noun there was no indication of injury Syn: sign, signal, indicator, symptom, mark, manifestation, demonstration, show, evidence, attestation, proof; pointer, guide, hint, clue, intimation, omen, augury, portent …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 34inkling — noun I had no inkling of their intentions Syn: idea, notion, sense, impression, conception, suggestion, indication, whisper, glimmer; (sneaking) suspicion, fancy, hunch, feeling; hint, clue, intimation, sign; informal the foggiest (idea), the …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 35intimation — noun the first intimation of trouble came when the police began going door to door Syn: suggestion, hint, indication, sign, signal, inkling, suspicion, impression; clue, undertone, whisper, wind; communication, notification, notice, warning …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 36notion — noun 1) he had a notion that something was wrong Syn: idea, belief, conviction, opinion, view, thought, impression, perception; hypothesis, theory; feeling, funny feeling, suspicion, sneaking suspicion, hunch …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 37pointer — noun 1) the pointer moved to 100 mph Syn: indicator, needle, arrow, hand 2) he used a pointer on the chart Syn: stick, rod, cane; cursor 3) a pointer to the outcome of the election …

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  • 38suggestion — noun 1) some suggestions for tackling this problem Syn: proposal, proposition, motion, submission, recommendation; advice, counsel, hint, tip, clue, idea, trial balloon 2) the suggestion of a smirk Syn …

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  • 39symptom — noun 1) the symptoms of the disease Syn: manifestation, indication, indicator, sign, mark, feature, trait; Medicine prodrome 2) a symptom of the country s present turmoil Syn: expression, sign, indication, ma …

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  • 40tip-off — noun police have received an anonymous tip off Syn: piece of information, warning, lead, forewarning; hint, clue; advice, information, notification …

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