
  • 91cen|tau|ry — «SEHN tr ee», noun, plural ries. any plant of several Old World herbs of the gentian family, whose medicinal properties were said to have been discovered by Chiron the centaur. ╂[< Latin centaurium < Greek kentaúrion < Kéntauros centaur] …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 92cen|te|nar|i|an|ism — «SEHN tuh NAYR ee uh NIHZ uhm», noun. the condition or fact of being a centenarian …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 93cen|te|nar|i|an — «SEHN tuh NAIR ee uhn», noun, adjective. –n. a person who is 100 years old or more: »As doctors and scientists learn more about the body, people will have a better chance of living to be centenarians. –adj. 1. 100 years old or more. 2. of 100… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 94cen|te|nar|y — «SEHN tuh NEHR ee, sehn TEHN uhr ; especially British sehn TEE nuhr ee», noun, plural nar|ies, adjective. –n. 1. a 100th anniversary: »1876 was the first centenary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. 2. a celebration of the 100th… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 95cen|ten|ni|um — «sehn TEHN ee uhm», noun, plural ten|ni|ums, ten|ni|a « TEHN ee uh». a period of a hundred years; century. ╂[< Latin centum …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 96cen|ter-fire — «SEHN tuhr FYR», adjective. 1. (of a cartridge) having the percussion cap or primer in the center of the base, instead of around its rim. 2. (of a gun or pistol) having a firing pin that strikes the cartridge in the center of its base. Also,… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 97cen|ter-left — «SEHN tuhr LEHFT», adjective. of or having to do with a political coalition involving parties of the center and the left …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 98cen|ter|board — «SEHN tuhr BRD, BOHRD», noun. a movable keel of a sailboat. It is lowered through a slot in the bottom of a boat to prevent drifting to leeward. Also, especially British, centreboard …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 99cen|tered — «SEHN tuhrd», adjective. 1. fixed on a center as a point of support or equilibrium: »a centered arc, a centered position. 2. being in the center: »Some dictionaries have centered dots between the syllables of entries. 3. furnished with a center.… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 100cen|ter|fold — «SEHN tuhr FOHLD», noun. an illustrated center spread in a magazine or book that takes up both left and right hand pages and sometimes has to be unfolded to be seen in full …

    Useful english dictionary